You Can Do It!!!

Sunday, August 15th, 2010

Today's Passage: Philippians 4:13
Memory Verse: Same

I had an interesting thing happen to me yesterday.  I got in my truck and it wouldn't start.  Why was that a big deal for me?  It's because I don't know anything about automobile repair.  When faced with the challenge of having to fix my truck, my first inclination was to back down.  As it turns out, it was a simple fix.  But if I had given up on it, my truck would be stuck in the yard needing help.

We all have limitations.  There are things in ours lives that just seem impossible to do by our own hands.   But how IMpossible are they?  Let's be realistic, we're not going to get off the couch and go do successful brain surgery on someone.  It's quite obvious there is a certain gifting that comes with certain things.  However, there are everyday challenges that God has given us the power to overcome.   I think the determining factor in whether we pass or fail is how we see the challenge.  The word challenge is defined as a "call" to engage in any contest, skill, or strength.  By definition, a challenge is a calling to show skill or strength.  Whenever we step up in ministry, we like to say God "called" us.  He summoned us and set us aside to do what we're doing.  If this statement is true, we must believe we've been strategically placed where His strength has to be shown through us.  God purposely put you in that position in order for you to make Him famous.  Paul said in Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things THROUGH CHRIST who strengthens me."  God is telling us (through Paul) that challenges don't come into our lives to break or hinder us; they come to be met and conquered, so that we become stronger. 

So I challenge you to meet the challenges in your life head-on.  Know that God "is" the strength within you to conquer anything.  Every step you take has been ordered by Him, so He wouldn't put something in your path that will stop you.  He wants you to be better, stronger, and more than a conquerer through Him.

Prayer:  Father, I need You more and more everyday.  I can't make it in this life without Your strength.  I'm confident in the fact that this life won't defeat me because You are my hope.  I love You with all my Jesus' name, Amen.

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