Monday's Moment of Wisdom

Monday, August 16th, 2010

Today's Passage: Psalm 146
Memory Verses: Ps. 146: 3-5

Not to be disrespectful towards any political leader, but do you see how some of their tactics to get people to vote for them center around making promises for things that are needed in our society?  "Vote for me, and I'll see to it that more and better jobs are provided."  "If you vote for me, I'll fight to get better health care."  But it's interesting to me that, after the most popular candidate is elected, disillusion sets in once again when people realize that those promises aren't as easily obtained as originally planned.

Today's passage reminds us of the dangers of placing our trust in any other source except Jehovah Jireh, our Sole Provider.  The Word tells us not to trust in man who is in as much need of help as every other man on this earth.  Yesterday's message was an awesome reminder that the Lord alone is mighty.  He's mighty to save our souls, but doesn't just stop there.  He's also mighty to deliver from any situation in which we may find ourselves.  Who has the power to give us breath that will sustain us through the night?  He alone. And on Whom alone can we depend to wake us up the following day?  God alone.  So why on earth would we need to depend on man to provide our earthly needs?

Read the Word again.  It says HAPPY (content, at peace with oneself in spite of the circumstances) is the one who has the God of Jacob for his or her help, and whose hope is built on the Lord God.  So this means that many of us spend unncessary time and energy looking elsewhere when God alone has everything we need.  Of course, God is in the business of using people around us to get what we need TO us.  But we cannot make the mistake of focusing our admiration and hope on the messengers.  Psalm 121 says, "I will lift my eyes unto the hills; where does my help come from?  My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth."  This verse suggests that our attitude should never be one of fearful worry, wondering whether God is going to come through or not (as if God were some politician, making idle promises).  But we should always be looking upward for the creative ways He alone knows how to bless us.

 God's Word to the Wise today is FOCUS: on how BIG our God is, and how unbound He is by time, space, or opportunity.  Nothing is impossible for Him when it comes to His children.  As Pastors Chad and Nette encouraged us to do today, all we have to do is get to a place with Him where we're seeing things from HIS vantage point.  And it wouldn't hurt to send up a prayer for the politicians running for office in a couple of weeks, either.  They actually need it more than we'll ever know.

Prayer: Father, I thank You for this beautiful beginning of my work week.  I recognize and acknowledge You as my source.  You supply all of my needs, and everything I need comes from You.  I do praise and worship You today for Who You are to me.  I remain always totally devoted to You.  In Jesus' Precious Name, Amen.        

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