H.U.M.P. Day!!!!

Wednesday, August 11th, 2010

Blessings, Friends and Lifers!  Today is the perfect day to walk out our purpose because we have been delivered from darkness and translated into the kingdom of God's beloved Son.  So even though everything may not be the way you want it, one thing is certain: we have the heart, love, and favor of the Most High God.  This means our circumstances are subject to change, and we must carry this promise with us everywhere we go.

Our challenge to you today is to simply BE.  Be the answer to the world's questions.  Don't walk around in fear of letting the real you be seen.  As believers, we go through trials and tribulations just like everyone else.  It's the way we respond to them that's different from the way the world does.  Carry the blessed hope that what is seen is only temporary, while that which is not seen is eternal.  

Even when all around you seems to be crumbling, remember that God only wants to use our lives as a testimony of His miracle-working power.  So carry a smile in reserve for the day -- like today -- when someone who may not know of this hope may need to see it.  Carry God's promises around on the inside of you like it's the best-kept secret.  And it is.  With this testimony, shine as brightly as only you can.  Hold your head up high, and give away to a dying world what Jesus gave His life for: the essence of Himself that's available to all who ask for it.  Let the Lord truly be seen in You today.  Just BE a willing vessel for His glory to dwell in.  After all, that IS our ultimate purpose.

Prayer: here I am, Father.  I thank You for giving me the opportunity to be of some use to You.  I offer up myself as Your vessel.  Let others see You when they see me.  I live only for You.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.   

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