Let Go and Float

Thursday, August 12th, 2010

Today's Passage: 1 John 4: 15-19 
Memory Verse: 1 John 4: 18 

Twenty-four hours.  That's one thousand, four hundred forty minutes or eighty-six thousand, four hundred seconds.  Exactly how long it's been since my twelve-year-old son let go of his fears and became a swimmer.  Some may not believe we pass things on generationally.  But I know for a fact that my firstborn inherited my over-cautious old nature, which I in turn got from generations of living in a culture where anything unfamiliar was to be feared, or at the least, highly distrusted.

Prior to this moment, my boy had been on vacations for the last five years where he would be excited about getting in the pool with his dad and siblings.  But once he got in there, the possibility of being swallowed up by the water would overwhelm him to the point of being frozen to one spot the whole time they were in the pool.  Even the reassurance that he was in good hands from his father, an expert swimmer who even earned a lifeguard certificate years ago, was not enough to make him trust that it was okay to just let go, take a deep breath, and float.

I'm not sure what finally clicked for Derris.  It could've been the sight of his sister, who's embraced every swimming tip her dad has given her and has super fun every time there's a chance to get in a pool.  Or it could be that his dad's words, "I've got you, son.  Just trust me" finally sank in after he heard them almost a thousand times.  But whatever it was that did it, this child decided to just let go and float, which immediately gave him the freedom to begin swimming rather than just standing around waist-deep in water.  

After witnessing my son transformed right before my eyes, I started thinking about fear and its destructive nature.  I wonder how many of God's children, standing around close to their promises, miss out on experiencing the joy of just trusting Him and walking in it.  Today's passage says that perfect love casts out all fear.  As long as we're walking with the Father, Who created it all, we have His promise that if we let go and give in to total devotion to Him, our success is guaranteed.  What are you waiting for?  Let go, take a deep breath, and float.

Prayer: Father, thank You for reminding me that You're in control, not me.  All You're asking me to do is completely trust You to take me places in my walk with You that I couldn't have dreamed possible.  I let go now and put my trust in You.  Lead and guide where You desire my life to go.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.   

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