
Today's Passage: John 15:1
Memory Verse: Same

I was looking at the news yesterday when they reported Tiger Woods and his wife had agreed to divorce.  My heart grieved for the couple.  It seems although they have the wealth of the world at their disposal, and although he is the proprietor of a multi-million dollar empire, they still weren't immune to the "wiles of the enemy".  Of course Tiger didn't help himself with the lifestyle he'd been living.  However, to say "that" led to the demise of his marriage (and top level golf game) would not only be judging him, it'd be making a mistake.

Let's go back to the beginning.  Remember the phenom that "was" Tiger Woods?  He was young, gifted, and smart.  Whatever he touched seemingly turned to gold.  Those who liked him wanted to be like him, and those who didn't, well, they wanted to be like him too.  Tournament after tournament he seemed to shred the competition.  At the time, his only love was his family, especially his father.  Then it happened.  During a press conference, he was asked about his nationality and the religion to which he subscribed.  His answer consisted of this "league of races" one would need a world map to understand, and a reference to Budha.  A contract was immediately struck.  The enemy had instantly put an expiration date on anything he did.  

I wish I had the chance to have a one on one with Tiger.  Not that I'm any better than anyone else, but I'd love the ability to share with him from a heart that's totally devoted.  I can imagine me telling him that I'd like to introduce him to someone.  I can also imagine him sensing where I'm going (Stanford grad folks. Not a dummy) and telling me he's not interested in talking about religion or Jesus.  That's where I'd tell him I wouldn't be interested in the religion or Jesus the world has shown him either.  Man has made a huge mess of the "Jesus" we know.  Our unscriptural ideals and fluctuating moral standard have opened us up to the world's criticisms (deservedly so).   However in some way, I'd try to convince him that Jesus is someone who needs another chance, just like him.  A lot of misguided information has gone out about Him so He therefore should be able to re-establish His true self.  Sound like anyone you know Tiger?  I'd go on to tell Tiger "The more you change your mind about Him, the more people (including your wife in whom you still want to be with but you're buckling under media pressure) will change their minds about you".  I guess the moral to this way too far out fantasy is this: there's a real world out there. One that exists outside of money, popularity, even life itself.  And the only way to truly live is to have a true relationship with the One who gave life.  Away with religion.  Away with notion that our God lives in a faraway place and we'll only be with Him when we die and go to that place.  There's a remnant of the totally devoted who knows we can experience the fullness of His love and presence right here, right now.  They wake up everyday expecting Heaven to come colliding with Earth in a beautiful display of holy unity.  That type of relationship with God allows one to live above the temptations of this world.  It keeps them grounded.  Knowing the Lord would have placed Tiger's desires on a different plain.  See, Tiger's mistake was thinking his family wanted a tiger, when all they needed was the "Lion"!

Prayer: Lord bless us with more of You.  Fill our lives with Your presence and power.  No matter what type of success we experience on Earth, let it never compare to our success in a life with You.  You are our only hope!  So our lives are Yours. Amen!  

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