"I Am What I Am"

Saturday, August 7th, 2010

Today's Passage: 1 Corinthians 15: 1-12
Memory Verses: 1 Cor. 15: 9-10

We know him as the apostle who probably made the greatest impact on Christianity from the days of the early church up until now.  Paul, who wrote almost half of the New Testament, headed the campaign to spread the gospel throughout Asia and Europe, and endured multiple instances of persecution, is one of our shining examples of what it means to live totally devoted to the cause of Christ.  And yet, he calls himself "the least of the apostles" -- not even worthy to be called an apostle -- because of what he did before giving his life to the Lord.

Many may hasten to agree with Paul that, if you spent the majority of your adult life hunting down believers of Christ, it would be difficult to accept your calling to minister to the very ones who spent their time running away from you.  It was so hard for the saints to receive him when he got saved that God had to speak to a disciple named Ananias in a dream about releasing them to open their hearts to Paul as one of their own (Acts 9: 10-19).   But you can tell from all his accomplishments in the kingdom that he didn't waste one minute worrying about what others thought of him.

So if you're in any way struggling with condemnation over your life before Christ, and allowing those thoughts to paralyze and prevent you from operating in ministry the way you should, let Paul's life be the example to let you know how unnecessary it is to entertain this mindset.  The Word of God tells us that even while we were yet sinners (haters of God and lovers only of ourselves), God had already made up His mind to show us His love.  This means that God knew all there was to know about you, and yet this didn't change His love for you.  Why now, when you've finally given Him your heart, would God consider you inadequate to bear His anointing and carry His glory?

Begin now to declare as Paul did the following over your life: "by God's grace, I am what I am--saved, set free, anointed to live totally devoted for His kingdom, and ready to walk in my calling.  I will never allow that grace toward me to be extended in vain.". Then continue to labor in the Lord's service-- and watch Him make Himself famous in and through your life like you've never imagined.  

Prayer: Father, like Paul, my life was a wretched mess.  Then along You came, and now everything that I am is because of You.  Help me never to waste time listening to the voice of condemnation sent by the enemy.  May my life accomplish everything You intended.  In Jesus' awesome Name, Amen.    

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