H.U.M.P. Day (In the Mix)!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Imagine waking up one morning and discovering everyone in the world was an exact likeness of you.  Whether it was the morning news person on TV, the President of the United States, the newspaper delivery person, or the homeless guy in the park, what if they all looked, talked, and acted like you?  It gets worse (or better if you're a narcissist).  You make it to work, and again all your co-workers are, well......you.

I don't know about you, but that'd be a BAD day if it happened to me.  Everybody like Chris Lee?  I don't think so.  Before you make fun of me, you have to admit the world would be just as messed up if it were you too.  I believe God intended for mankind to be a puzzle.  A puzzle is a box of differently-shaped and colored pieces.  No one piece is like the other.  Nor is a piece more or less valuable than its neighbor.  Inasmuch, if you keep the pieces separated, you'll never experience the beauty of the big picture.   If the box falls open and you lose ONE piece, you could never refer to what you have as a puzzle again.  Why?  Because the value is in all the different colors, shapes, and sizes being fit together to become one.  God's message today is this: "Being inside the box is NOT enough.  You don't have value until you 'connect' with a neighbor to make something bigger than you".

Our mission today is: Connecting.  Let's mix it up, Td Nation.  Connect with someone in order to make this big picture called unity a reality.  You can do it.  Blessings!  

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