H.U.M.P. Day!!!

Wednesday September 1, 2010

Blessings Td Nation!  We are thankful to God for allowing us to see another H.U.M.P. Day.  For our new readers, H.U.M.P. is our acronym for "His Ultimate Mission & Purpose".  Which means Wednesday is the day Td (Total Devotion) Nation comes out from under the rigors of life to share the love of Christ somewhere within our community.  

Today's mission is intercession.  Intercession is simply defined as 'pleading on behalf of another'.  As I am fully aware of the fact that there are probably some great needs in your own life right now,  I implore you to consider the plight of someone else today.  God's word clearly teaches us to bear one another's burdens.  Where it would be quite difficult to do that in the natural, it's a piece of cake to do it in the spiritual.  So pray for someone today.  While interceding for someone else, you'll find that someone's interceding for you.

Prayer: Lord give me a heart for those less fortunate than I.  I want to love the way You love, and provide hope to the broken the way You've instructed.  If I am to truly love You, I must learn to truly love my neighbor.  I now challenge myself to do more of both...in Jesus' name. Amen

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