The "Death Crawl"

Thursday, August 19th, 2010

Today's Passage: Numbers 13
Memory Verse: Numbers 13:30 

Yesterday was my first day back at work after a few weeks of summer vacation.  I reported for pre-planning as all other teachers had to do.  But perhaps unlike those others, I was somehow anticipating the words of inspiration my principal would give us to propel us into another school year.  What I received was even better than I had anticipated: she showed us a movie clip.  And you'd never guess which movie it was.  I just knew God had some revelation prepared just for me.

The scene was called "The Death Crawl".  It was the part where the coach was trying to inspire his team to see themselves as champions, but they were being badly beaten by their own negative attitudes.  So he demonstrated how nothing was impossible by getting one of his players to carry another teammate on his back, supposedly for about 20 yards or so,  in a football training maneuver called the "death crawl".  But he convinced this player to make the attempt while blindfolded.  I'm sure you know the movie by now-- it's "Facing the Giants".

As the player began crawling, not really believing he could make it even 10 yards, you could hear the snickers of the other teammates, who thought the same.  But the coach continued to urge him on, his voice rising as he put his all into getting his player not to quit.  Pretty soon, even the voices of the doubtful teammates were silenced as they watched their fellow player crawl past the 20-yard line, 30 yards, even 40 -- all the way to the 100.  We all agreed that, as teachers, we have the potential to be that coach who must be willing to motivate our students to be and do more than they ever dreamed they could.  But later, something else struck me.

In the spirit realm, some of us are called to be the player required to carry our teammate on our backs while blindfolded.  This part is extremely important because, when the Holy Spirit begins to motivate us to push forward into the land of the impossible, we won't focus our eyes on the giants and quit.  But here's what really God wanted me to see: others of us have an equally, if not more important, job.  While the two teammates are trying to make it to the end zone, WHAT IS GOD REQUIRING OF US?  We can't be the ones joining in with the voices of doubt.  Rather, we have to encourage, inspire, and cheer our fellow teammates on.  After all, we're the ones who can ACTUALLY see the possibility of success.  Why is it so much easier for us to believe failure is an option before we'll even consider the opposite?

Saints, at this point in the race, God is calling us to believe, receive, and achieve more for His kingdom than ever before.  Get ready to be used to accomplish something bigger than yourself -- and begin cheering on others who are positioning themselves to do the same.  By the Spirit of the Living God, we're on the way to the promise.

Prayer: Father, I thank You that You are God of Your Word.  You have already told us that You're causing a new thing to spring forth.  That new thing involves Your children pushing and pulling one another towards the Promise-- no sign of jealousy, strife, or competition.  Let Your total Will be done in these last days.  In Jesus' Mighty Name, Amen.   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AMEN!!! Thank you Pastors for yet another revelation and mighty word. Thank you for all the time you spend prepairing these daily devotions even while on vacation you continued to provide for all of us and do Gods work. That just goes to show all of us saint that we can NEVER and should NEVER try to take a 'break' from God, His word or His work. I love you both and again THANK YOU!!!