A Better Life

Today's Passage: Romans 5:1 (Message)
Memory Verse: Romans 5:1-4

What a life!  I was sitting in my living room last night thinking of my life before Jesus saved me, compared to my life now.  Whereas I'm nowhere near perfect, there is a vast difference between the two.  My old life consisted of this man-pleasing, cookie-cut, way of doing things.  I can remember being more confused than informed, more mistaken than understood, and certainly more foolish than wise.  I needed a plan.  I needed something I could build on.  I needed to get myself together.

I realized I didn't have the power to do it.  Get myself together?  How can I get myself together when my only skill was destruction.  I almost destroyed my hopes, dreams, and marriage in one dumb decision.  But God right?  When I began to find my way through God's word, and when He allowed me to see myself through His eyes, things began to change for me.  I took my plans and replaced them with God's plan for me.  The results I received were astounding.  The Bible says in Romans 5 (Message) "By entering through faith into what God has always wanted to do for us (set us right w/Him - make us fit for Him) we have it all together with God because of our Master Jesus.  And that's not all: we throw open our doors to God and discover at the same moment He has already thrown open His door to us.  Verse 3 - There's more to come: we continue to shout our praise even when we're hemmed in with troubles, because we know how troubles can develop passionate patience in us, and how that patience in turn forges the tempered steel of virtue, keeping us alert for whatever God will do next.". That's a mouthful. But this description of life is EXACTLY what I'm after.  If I receive God's instruction by faith, and stay totally devoted to Him, the only thing the troubles in my new life can do is make me better.  I'll take that trade.  I desire to wake up every morning being on high alert for God is going to do next.  In my old life, I had no such ambition.  There were no goals to attain.  And to think it was easy.  The only thing that was required was total devotion.

I challenge you today to take a look at your life.  See if you can recognize significant changes the Lord has made in your life.  Be sure to thank and praise Him for His love and grace.  You owe Him that much.  Remember, by the time you open your heart to Him, His heart was already open for you.  What a sweet life!

Prayer: Thank You Lord for this life You've given me.  I couldn't have brought myself to this place on my own.  Your love has saved and kept me.  I will never turn away from You.  I have no desire for the passions of my old life.  I'm Yours forever......in Jesus' name Amen




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