
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Today's Passage: Ecclesiastes 5:18-19
Memory Verse: Matthew 5:5

Hello, Td Nation!  I'm filled with excitement today.  Why? Because when I woke up this morning God was still in control.  He allowed night to be night, and when the time had come, He called for it to be day.  My body hadn't lost its breath or the use of its limbs.   As I took the first of many walks through my home, I realized my children were all where I left them last night. 

Some of you may ask why these things excite me so much.  The reason they are is because I'm learning to appreciate God for the little things.  I'm learning to be content with what and "who" I have in my life.  There was a time when I was always searching for the "next thing".  If God gave me a home, I was looking for the next one.  If He gave me some money, I was looking for the next opportunity to get paid.    The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 5:18-19 (Message), "After looking at the way things are on this Earth, here's what I've decided is the best way to live: take care of yourself, have a good time, and make the most of whatever job you have for as long as God gives you life."  And that's about it.  That's the human lot.  Yes, we should make the most of what God gives, both the bounty and the capacity to enjoy it, accepting what's given and delighting in the work.  It's God's gift!"

So you see, God is pleased by us being content with what He's given.  It's a demonstration of devotion and faith when we delight ourselves in how He cares for us.  What if your children complained to you everyday about things they DIDN'T have?  It'd just make you want to take what they had, wouldn't it?  Jesus said in Matthew 5:5 (Message) "You're blessed when you're content with just who you are- no more, no less.  That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that CAN'T be bought."  Wow!  The Bible says that's the moment I find myself the owner of what can't be bought.  What are some things that can't be bought?  Love, peace, joy, wisdom, and favor are all examples of things that can't be bought.  That being said, we have to be content with what we have, Folks.  Now being content doesn't mean we should be complacent.  God also expects us to cultivate what He's given.  We should make sure our lives are productive and growing.  A complacent person not only complains about what he lacks; he also doesn't take care of what he already has.

So I challenge you as you go about your day to be content with what God has given you.   What He's given, He's given for a purpose.  So find out what that purpose is and get after it.  Maximize every opportunity you have with family and friends.  Love God, love yourself, love your family, and more importantly, love your neighbor.  If you do, the reward will be overwhelming!!!

Prayer:  Thank You, God, for everything You've done for me.  I'm learning to be content with what You've given.  You know I could not have planned my life any better.  Your favor and love has carried me this far and I appreciate You.     Your care is second to none!  Amen. 

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