
Today's Passage: Matthew 26:57-63

Memory Verse: Same

Thursday April 1, 2010

Blessings Friends & Lifers! As we get closer to the observance of the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, I grow more and more sensitive to what Christ went through on that faithful weekend. Let me ask you something. What is the defense for something you're guilty of?

Jesus was arrested and brought before the Sanhedrin where several people testified falsely against Him. Later, Caiaphas, the high priest (I know right?), asked Jesus if He was the Christ. Jesus simply answered "It is as you said". They then began to beat and mock Him as they pronounced Him to be killed. Wow! If you were being accused of something you didn't do this defense would be easy. If were being called someone you weren't, you'd have no problem speaking up for yourself. But when's the last time someone accused you of being a christian.....and you were guilty? If so, what was the evidence that led to your conviction? Was it you who loved the widow? Was it you who blessed the children? Who prays every morning for the expansion of the kingdom of God? You? Who gives their time to service to the ministry and community? You? If you were on trial (like Jesus) for living righteously, would you be found guilty?

God places us in particular situations for a purpose. He puts us in the midst of our unsaved friends and family members for a reason. The reason is He wants us to be salt and light. He wants us to be the example of love and holiness He intended "them" to be. But when they charge us with being a christian, or a "goody 2-shoes", or a person who thinks they're all that, we give in to the pressure with statements like "nah man, I'm just like you". Then we proceed to talk like they talk and do what they do to appease them. God says we were on trial for being christians and pleaded NOT guilty. You know it's true. In fact, Peter, one of Jesus' disciples was the first to do it.

Our challenge today is to do a better job of standing up, and standing out. Jesus wasn't afraid to be who He was. My eyes fill with tears when I think of how He wasn't too embarrased or scared to keep it real for me in the face of His adversaries. I would've deserved His turning away from me. But He stayed. He stayed to say I'm guilty of being love, being hope, and being light. So find a way to show your faith. And when the doubters come in with their persecution, let them know how much you'll always love Jesus. Trust me, they like that kinda stuff!!!

Thank You Jesus for saving me. Without Your blood, I would not have a right to be free from my sin. I believe You died for me, and was resurrected by God. Therefore, You are my Savior and the source of my life. I will praise Your name forever....Amen!

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