The Passover Lamb

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Today's Passage:Exodus 12:1-13
Memory Verses: Ex. 12:13; Ps.91:7-8

Today marks the Jewish celebration of the Passover, during which the children of Israel saw God's mighty hand deliver them from the bondage of Egypt. His instructions to them were to sacrifice a lamb without blemish, to be used for covering the doorposts of every household that the lamb represented. In this way, when the death angel visited Egypt, he would "pass over" their houses and only strike the houses of the Egyptians.

It was extremely important for the Israelites to follow God's instructions to the letter, especially the one about the lamb being spotless. It had to be the purest possible lamb that each household could find. In order to be protected from the plague that would wipe out the firstborn of the Egyptians, God would accept only the best sacrifice from His people.

Isn't it just like our God to supercede Himself by providing another opportunity, years later, for not only a nation, but an entire world, to be set free from the oppression of the enemy? In order to have the death angel "pass over" us, all we have to do is receive the Spotless Lamb, unblemished by the sin that runs in our blood, into our hearts. He has already been approved by the God of the Universe, Who loved us enough to give up His only Son so we can legally walk out of satan's grasp.

If you've already given your life to Christ, this is your reminder to celebrate the awesomeness of our deliverance through Him, our Spotless Passover Lamb. But if you're reading this, and you've never understood what all the fuss was about some prophet being killed 2,000 years ago, here's the answer to that question. What did we gain? The blood that was shed on the cross doesn't get plastered on a physical door; this time, it's a transfusion that replaces the sin-contaminated blood given to us by our ancestors, Adam and Eve. And because of that blood, we are now heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ Himself.

Everytime God sees that blood inside of us, He has the legal right to shield us from the plagues afflicted by the enemy's angels of destruction. Today, if you don't know this Christ, ask Him to come and live inside your heart today. But if you do, please don't spend another moment burdened down with sadness and pain that He already paid for with His precious blood. Walk in the freedom that is freely given to you. Just as the Pharaoh of Egypt had to let the children of Israel go, satan has to take his hands off of you and everything that's yours. All because of Jesus, our very own Passover Lamb.

Prayer: Father, I can only live out the rest of my days in service and gratitude to You for giving me Your very best. Thank You for thinking of me when He was on the cross. May my life be a fraction of the sacrifice to You that He was for me. I love You forever. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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