The Good Life

Monday, March 15, 2010

Today's Passage: Psalm 34:11-14
Memory Verse: Ps. 34:14

If you were to ask almost anyone you know what he or she considered "the good life", that person would most likely describe a life of physical comfort and ease. It probably would involve not having to worry about overdue bills, or dealing with health issues as many of us have to do. Whatever your description of the good life is, here's a formula from God's Word that's certain to provide it.

Before you start to leap for joy, however, there's something you must first consider. For every promise from God's Word, there is a condition that needs to be fulfilled. So what's our task here? In this passage, God is requiring us to "seek peace and pursue it" (verse 14). If we desire this good life, in which we are promised many days, we must eliminate strife from our hearts. Pastors Chad and Nette ministered yesterday that we must do everything we can to keep peace. Why is peace in our lives so important to God?

Walking in peace is tied to everything we are, and all we hope to be. It operates as the lifeblood within us that circulates throughout our bodies. If contaminated with thoughts of anger and evil speaking, our whole body is affected. Our immune system ceases to work properly, and everything in us goes into shutdown mode. Before long, we become nothing more than zombies -- merely waiting to die rather than alive. An existence like this resembles nothing like the life of joy and spiritual wellbeing that God promises us.

Does this mean we have to sacrifice our self-respect just so we can have this peace? What will people think of us if we're always walking away from conflict and never confronting it? To answer this, I ask another question: Whose opinion of us matters more -- man's, or God's? In any case, Jesus calls us "blessed" and "sons of God" if we are peacemakers. This means that, at any cost, we must be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become offended. Is it going to be easy? No, not at all. But remember the reward: THE GOOD LIFE.

Prayer: Father, today I want to thank You for making available to me every good thing my heart could ever desire. I'm also grateful that, like a good dad, You require me to do my part in order to walk in it. I purpose in my heart to seek and pursue peace so that, when people see me, they'll see your character in me. Live BIG in me today, Holy Spirit. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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