Spring's On the Way!

Monday, March 8th, 2010

Today's Passage: Galatians 6:7-9
Memory Verses: Gal. 6:7-9

One morning last week, I awoke to the sweet sound of birds chirping, signaling that spring is coming. You never know just how much you miss that sound until you actually hear it after the dreary months of winter. There's just something about the spring season that uplifts you and makes you look forward to the day ahead. By contrast, during the winter, you simply plow along, making yourself get up and do what you must to make it a successful day.

I suppose that's why this passage is so important to believers. If you're not careful, you will go through seasons of "winter" in your walk with Christ where you may think there may not be anything exciting going on. So you go from day to day, just putting one foot in front of the other. But God wants us to remember that He is God, the Sovereign One Who is in control of everything we do. He wants us to realize that He not only sees what we do, but He rewards every act of obedience.

One of the things it's important to remember about serving God is that NOTHING we do is insignificant. Just like the days which run into one another, we have to stay encouraged even through the "winter" times when we don't see the fruits of our efforts. Why? Because, sooner or later, our labor will bear fruit. That's why in this passage we are told to remember that we reap just what we sow. Every prayer we pray, every encouraging word that we speak to others, and everytime we obey God and bring His kingdom here on the earth, we're planting seeds that may not be seen during the winter days.

But look up! Do you hear the birds chirping yet? In your worship time, do you see the days getting brighter? Your Father wants you to be encouraged. Keep doing what you're doing for Him, and don't get tired while doing it. If you have kids, you know how important it is for them to keep a positive attitude when you ask them to do something. You know how well you plan to reward them if they don't complain while working for you.

Well, our Heavenly Father is no different. He's encouraging you today not to get tired of working for Him. Don't just "plow away" at your assignment; stay in an attitude of gratitude, and fellowshp with other believers who are as positive as you are trying to be. When God says, "you SHALL", that means there's no doubt your promise is on its way. If you ask me, that's more than enough reason to wake up with joy.

Prayer: Father, thank You that it is Your heart to reward us for the things we do for Your kingdom. You know that so many distractions come from the enemy that attempt to keep us in the dark of winter, so I'm grateful today that You have made a way for us to be strengthened in You. Fill me now, Holy Spirit. Let Your breath of life be the thing that propels me through every day, and let my life continue to bring You praise. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

1 comment:

Sarai said...

Wow! That example about the kids really hit the nail on the head. Thanx!