What Shall We Say?

Friday, March 12,2010

Today's Passage: Romans 8:18;28-39
Memory Verse: Rom.8:31

In these last days, as the return of the Lord grows closer, it seems as if the Saints are bombarded with trials and problems that make it hard to see the promises of God. Money issues... health issues... relationship issues... One thing after another, there seems to be no relief. David describes this dilemna in Psalm 3 when he cries: "Lord, those that trouble me are increasing! There are many that rise up against me. They say of my soul, 'There is no help for Him in God.'" Every believer will agree that the enemy's sole purpose is to unleash his imps upon us in an all-out attack.

But what is it that makes the psalmist, the apostle Paul, and all of us victorious? Is there any way out at all, or should we lock ourselves in and hide from our enemy? Paul makes a bold claim in today's passage. Yes, we go through trials and problems, heartaches and pains. Nevertheless, NOTHING we endure can or will be compared to the GLORY that God will reveal in us. This is a promise that we can hold onto, but it doesn't end there. God doesn't just want us to suffer in silence. He has placed on the inside of us truths that rise up against the attacks of the evil one.

In the passage, Paul asks the question: what shall we SAY to these things? Should we spend all our time complaining about what we don't have, or about what's going on? No, because if God is FOR us, none of those things can overtake or triumph over us. We need to start speaking what we KNOW rather than what we see or hear. When we consider the fact that God didn't even spare His only Son because He wanted us to walk in victory, why wouldn't He make a way for that sacrifice to make provision for us in every trial?

As you go through your fiery furnace situation today or in the near future, remember this: we have ALREADY overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony. Even before being placed in the heat of the fire, the three Hebrew boys declared that their God was able to deliver them. Let your words plant the seeds of victory before you see it. And no matter what you do, let nothing that you go through separate you from God's love, which is REALLY what the enemy's after. Stay in His presence, and declare your victory from your place of protection.

Prayer: Father, whoever dwells in Your secret place always abides in Your shadow. No matter what challenges come, I am so grateful today that my victory is certain. I declare that I will always be Yours no matter what trials I may face. I SAY what You say, and purpose in my heart to go where You're going. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am very appreciative of this insightful word today, I needed every word of it!