Why We MUST Have Jesus

Monday, April 18th, 2011

Today's Passage: Colossians 1:1-23
Memory Verse(s): Col. 1:16-17

It's always interesting to meet up with friends or family after a long time of not seeing each other. After the initial analysis of how much bigger or smaller we've gotten over the years, we automatically begin to rattle off our accomplishments. And it almost never fails: without even realizing I'm doing it, my spirit man sends out censors to find one shred of evidence that this person has had an encounter with Jesus Christ.

Every time this happens, I'm overwhelmed when he or she tells me how much richer life is with Him in it, and we spend even more time talking over each other about our God-encounters. But when the opposite occurs, the conversation eventually fizzles out and comes to a close because there's nothing left to connect us but a few memories from a past long gone. And afterwards, I walk away shaking my head at why it's so hard for some people to see how little life matters without Christ.

Today's passage answers the question why we must have Christ in order to have any meaning in our lives. It tells us that all things were made by and for Him, and nothing was made without Him. That means WE were created by and for Him, and only WITH Him does life have fulfillment. Before Christ, there's this God-void inside each of us that cannot be satisfied with anything man-made. Just ask the richest, most successful people by the world's standards. All they can do is seek out more people, places, and things to fill a void that cannot be filled by anything or anyone else.

But oh, when the God-man comes to live inside of you! Suddenly you can see more clearly; there is no more guilt or condemnation for past things you've done to destroy your life. Because of Him, the righteous requirements of God CAN be fulfilled. No more shame fills my heart -- only peace with God, love for myself and others, and hope for tomorrow exists. Are there hard times? Of course! But no pain or suffering can compare with the sweet fellowship of communing with Him, or with the glory He reveals when we worship Him. Why is Christ important? Because in Him reside all the things that are eternal, whereas the world's offerings are only for a moment. I wouldn't trade anything for my relationship with Him, and when you put your trust in Him, your life will never be the same. Seek and receive Him today while He can be found.

Prayer: Father, thank You for giving us Jesus. In Him we have redemption through His blood. He is the fullness of all that You are, and I need Him daily. My life is complete in Him. I pray now that everyone who is asking whether it really is worth all that to get to know Jesus will be filled with all the fulness of Him. Thank You for making Yourself available to us through Him. We will forever bring You glory in Jesus' Name, Amen.

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