A Testament To Faith!

Wednesday April 13, 2011

Today's Passage: Acts 25:1-28-31
Memory Verse: Acts Acts 26:29

I've always been moved by movies that depict the triumph of the human spirit.  You know what I mean?  I'm talking about the unsung hero, the guy who won't necessarily get "the girl", but the one who'll be satisfied with justice.

Paul became that guy.  After the whole 'Damascus Road' ordeal, he did a complete 180.  He became so passionate about his faith, he would literally die for it.  I can think of many things I love, but I wouldn't think about giving my life for them.  I'd give my life for my family, but Paul even took that to another level.  He was willing to give his life so that generations could be exposed to God's Word.  In our passage, the Jews were persecuting Paul because he was telling people Jesus rose again and yet lives.  That was news they didn't want to hear.  It reminds me of the series on love we were in at our church.  Some of the things being said were not pleasing to our flesh.  We didn't want to confront the fact that we needed to forgive ourselves and others.  In fact, holding on to that bitterness had become normal; comfortable even.  The Jews wasn't ready to accept the fact that Jesus lived because, if they had, it'd make them accountable for everything He'd said.  And that, in and of itself, is the problem.  Very few people want to be held accountable for their own actions.  Today, society commonly blames depression, abuse, low socio-economic status, and hardship for sin.  It's not that those things aren't relevant, it's just that blaming them tends to exonerate us from being responsible individuals.  So, we've become a society that has "built-in" excuses for failure and bad choices. 

In conclusion, we have to be able to stand like Paul did.   As he stood before King Agrippa and told his whole life story.  By the time he was done, the king said "If you keep this up much longer, you'll make a Christian out of me".  And Paul, while he was still in chains, said "That's what I'm praying for".  Who will we pray for?  Can we find the words of prayer in the midst of the offense, or our own place of persecution?  I think that's the essence of spiritual maturity.  I also think it's a testament to our faith.....

Prayer: Father, I want grow stronger in You.  If I can grow stronger, I'll be able to stand without fear.  My desire is to hide Your Word so deeply in my heart, I won't even consider parting from it.  Whether in persecution, or victory, Your Word will always be my guiding light.  Keep me in Your awesome care, in Jesus' name. Amen  

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