One Happenin' Ride!

Saturday, April 23rd, 2011

Today's Passage: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11
Memory Verse: 1 Thessalonians 4:18

Ugh! Are you kidding me?  I paid all that money for entrance into the theme park, and NOONE in my family would ride a rollercoaster with me.  Seriously?  That's why people go to theme parks.  Watching those coasters glide on the tracks made me even more excited.  The screams of the people as they dipped and flipped made me want to ride every one of them.....twice!  I thought "What are we doing"?  Just getting to the park is not enough.  You have to get on the ride.  You can't have the experience without "the ride"!  

Let's talk about this for a moment because I believe there's a spiritual reference to this.  Many Christians go to church so often, and for so long, they get lulled into thinking that's all there is.  They're convinced that we go to church until we die, then wake up in Jesus' arms.  That's all well and good, but we can't leave out the fun part: the ride!  Today's passage tells us, first of all, that it's a promise.  Meaning, its not a matter of if, but when.  Since Jesus conquered the grave, it has no power over us.  As a matter of fact, His victory turned a place of condemnation into a place of rest.  So, the grave doesn't have the power the devil meant for it to have.  It's simply a resting point.  Think of it as an airport layover just before your final flight.  There's no fear of the airport because you know you'll soon be leaving.  Yes!  What a comfort!  I'm so glad that even if me or my loved ones have to leave "this" life, they still get to go on "the ride".  C'mon, you don't want to do all that work, pray all those prayers, and make all those sacrifices, and miss the ride, do you?  Heaven IS our destination.  But, don't you want to meet Him in the air?  See, whether we come from the grave, or if we're still alive when He comes, we're going to meet Him in the air.  That's exciting.  I'm in line...Are you?

Finally, my Friends, don't worry about the arrangements.  No-one can tell you when or where to meet for "the ride".  You just have to be ready......rapture ready!   Don't get emotionally tied into things you can't take with you.  Your home, cars, wardrobe, and money won't pass through customs.  Your life's motto has to be: Watchin' the sky, ready to fly!  To make sure you have a ticket, you have to stay TOTALLY DEVOTED to the purpose of God.  Make Him your source and priority.  Other than that, I think you're good.  Submit your heart to Jesus, and you'll book your ticket for one happenin' ride.

Prayer:  Father, I don't know when Jesus is coming back, but I want to be ready.  He's preparing a place for me and I don't want to miss it.  I must first thank You for giving me a chance to enter Your kingdom.  This weekend is so special because it makes "the ride" possible.  So, as You allow me to live out the rest of my days, I'll try to make sure there's no wasted time.  My purpose will be to occupy until Jesus comes.  What an awesome ride it will be! In Jesus' name. Amen.     

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