And They'll Know We Are Christians....

Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

Today's Passage: Acts chapters 3 and 4
Memory Verse(s): Acts 4: 32-34 

It was the first Sunday in January, 2011.  Our pastors brought the vision of what God was telling them.  The major word was ACTION.  We were given the mandate from God to put legs to all the words we had received.  The first thing they felt led to motivate us to do was to take steps to make the storehouse operable.  We would raise money to get it up and running, then begin to stock it with  whatever would be necessary to meet the need.

Within weeks, the money has been raised.  Like never before, we are coming together and doing whatever we can to be a blessing to one another-- especially since "the Love series".  When I read today's passage, my heart leaped within me.  Our church sounded an awful lot like a bunch of people in that early church...except for the  "added daily" part.  

The book of Acts describes a constant flow of people to the kingdom daily.  This flow numbered in the thousands.  Why?  Was it only because of the way they pooled their resources together and made all their materials common property?  On the surface, yes.  But there was another element at work that we have heard about so many times in the last few weeks.  It was the sincere, genuine love they had for God and for each other that made them stand out.

When we genuinely love, we hasten to do things for others --not out of obligation, but from a place of compassion.  While they were taking care of one another, there was another steady stream of needy people that they encountered everyday-- pretty much just like we do.  Except for the fact that I didn't hear the judgment in Peter's statement when he offered the man the healing power of Christ.  Because they were so in tune with the Father's heart, miracles also flowed freely.  My prayer is that the Holy Spirit will so fill us with His grace and power to see the lost saved and the broken restored that it will take place instantaneously-- and that the lost will flock to our demonstration of love to the glory of God the Father.

Prayer, Father, we desire to do what Jesus did-- not for recognition or glory.  As You see our hearts, draw us to Your will as Your people are drawn to our love for You... In Jesus' Name, Amen. 

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