Unity: Simply Heavenly

Friday April 8, 2011

Today's Passage: Acts 10:1-11:18
Memory Verse: Psalms 133:1

One of the things that's always confused me about us is racism.  The idea of ritual hate because (and only because) of the color of another's skin is unfathomable.  What I do understand however, is people's backgrounds are different.  In that, people seem to be a product of what they were taught as children.  "Don't go there, don't do that, don't, don't, don't".  Our lives are full of don'ts.  And because we were children, we didn't possess the wherewithall to ask why, or why not.

In today's passage, Peter was taught a harsh lesson about racism.  God used an Italian guard captain to teach him.  You see, Cornelious, the captain, was a devout Christian.  Although he wasn't jewish, he loved God with all his heart.  In Caesarea where he lived, he was active in helping the needy and habitually commited himself to prayer.  People of God, we have to stop making assessments about things based on what they look like on the outside.  God has sent some of our greatest assets to our lives but we've dismissed them because they didn't "look" the part.  Honestly, do you think you may have missed out on the spouse God sent, or maybe that best friend, all because when you met them they didn't look like much?  Adversely, when what "looked" good approached you, did you dive in head first, only to be left with divorce, betrayal, and pain?    God showed Peter that man didn't have to be jewish to earn His love and favor.  You don't have to be white to have favor, nor do you have to be black, latino, or hispanic to be blessed.  All you have to be is forgiven, obedient, and loving.  Last I checked, those were not races of people, they were contents of character.   Racism hurts.  It binds people from fulfilling their true potential.  How?  When we limit ourselves to loving or receiving from only one group of people,  we miss out on the gifts possessed by other groups.  Racism also keeps us from experiencing the presence of God.  Think about it.  God would contradict Himself if He allowed His presence to uplift a place where hate for His other sons and daughters is bred.  It's in His word.  Psalms 133 says it is in unity He commands the blessing: Even life forever more.  At the end of today's passage, when Peter arrived at Cornelious' house, there was a powerful move of God's spirit.  What? A jew and an italian in a house worshipping and fellowshipping together?  Yep! And God even showed up.

I challenge you this week to look around your life.  Take a look at the people you call friend.  Are they all one race?  Then, take a look at where you worship.  Why?  Well, because church is practice for Heaven right?  So, is your worship place a true depiction of what Heaven will be like?  Let me let you in on a lil' secret.  There's not going to be a black Heaven, or a white Heaven, or a latino Heaven, and so forth.   Behold!  All the bretheren will be dwelling together in unity (Ps 133) when we get there.  I'm thankful that no matter which one of my neighbors I'm with, I can invite them to church and when they get there, they won't feel out of place.  Because, although we have white and black members, there's no white power, or black power.  And although we have hispanic and latino members, there's no hispanic power, or latino power.  Only God's power exits there.  He in us, and us in Him......and that my friend is Heavenly!

Prayer: Father I thank You for giving us unity.  We all possess the same capacity to love, we just have to allow ourselves to do it.  You created all of us in Your image.  You didn't make any one greater than the other.  So let us love one another as You instructed.  As we grow closer to You, we'll grow closer to each other, in Jesus' name...Amen.

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