Revelations on the Revelation of John

Friday, April 29th, 2011

Today's Passage: Revelations chapter 1
Memory Verse (s): Rev. 1: 11 and 19

Revelation number one: In order for God to trust any of His saints with revelation, they must be willing to undergo a certain level of persecution.  Persecution is the great separator.  It definitely separates those who merely SAY they will serve God with all their hearts from those who are actually willing to DO it.  If you find yourself floating on a flowery bed of ease all the time, with no trials or tribulation in sight, chances are you're not going to be in a place where you might hear or see God speak.

John, one of the apostles who lived and suffered because he knew Jesus, lived a life of total devotion even in suffering.  After having been targeted by the Roman government as a troublemaker, he was sent to a deserted island where he lived in exile for many years.  Did he waste any time grumbling or complaining about his lot in life?  No, because he was too busy looking out for the purpose for which he was placed here.  He had already been used by God to minister to many, and now he was put in a place where there was no-one to talk to.

Which leads me to revelation number two: no matter WHERE you are, you have to recognize that God has a purpose and a plan to use you if you've given yourself totally to Him.   As a man who was already familiar with the miraculous, I can just see John the beloved chuckling to himself and saying: "Well, Father, I know You're not bringing me to this deserted island for nothing.  Show me Your will, and bring it to pass.". And as God began to do just that-- revealing His  Word to John for those present believers and others yet to come, John was ready to accomplish the task, one he was already prepared for beforehand.

In these last days, the very ones John prophesied about, are you even ready to stand for righteousness and holiness... Even to the point of death?  Be careful what declaration you make, for you just might have to walk it out, and your decision will stand for eternity and beyond.  May we all be in just the right place at the right time to carry forth the powerful gospel of the kingdom of God, no matter the cost.  May we be so blessed to be entrusted with great revelation for generations yet to be birthed.  

Prayer: Father, it is a very sobering thought that many believers may not want to consider.  But You are calling us to a place of selflessness and sacrifice.  No matter what that might be, may we not forget that we are ultimately to carry out Your will, which is to spread the gospel of the kingdom throughout this world.  Draw us closer to Yourself, and help us be able to face every trial, no matter how fiery it may be.  In Jesus' Precious Name, Amen.  

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