Be Holy, Be Sober, Be Ready

Tuesday, April 26th, 2011

Today's Passage: 1 Peter 1-2:12
Memory Verse(s): 1 Peter 2:12

Today's passage is a confirmation of everything we have already received from our pastors as late as Sunday, and as early as the beginning of this year. In Peter's letter to the believers of the early church spread abroad, there is a sense of urgency to stand firm in everything Christ has purchased for us on the cross. I was so blessed to hear the word for the house, complete with a thorough explanation of what salvation really means.

It was God's answer to the problem of sin- sickness, infirmity and hopelessness. Christ finished the work when He took the keys of our dominion and inheritance from the enemy. I was so overjoyed to hear that salvation means "defense". No wonder Peter said the prophets were in awe of how perfect this plan was, and even angels are curious about it.

With all this in mind, get rid of all attitudes that would distract and derail us from the purpose of God. If I could sum up for Peter what we need to do, I would only need these three phrases: Be holy, be sober, and be ready! Be holy, for God is holy. There are no longer any excuses for constantly failing just so we can be rescued by God's grace. We must use what has already been provided: our armor of defense and offense against the enemy. Remember that a successful soldier never leaves any part of his armor exposed.

Secondly, be sober (the opposite of playful) and prayerful. The enemy is a master deceiver, finding tricky little ways to cause us to lose sense of time. We're so busy squabbling over petty things, the appointed times ordained for ministry are fading. Our eyes need to be wide open. Our senses do not need to be dulled by anything created by man or demon. The Lord is near, and many lives are at stake. Finally, we must be ready to face the fiery darts of temptation and persecution. Get rid of the "why me?" mentality-- we must be willing to participate in the sufferings as well as the glory of Jesus. Our ultimate goal: to let our lives be used for the advancement of God's kingdom. Ready or not... The war has already begun waging. But God's plan has also already been put in place. All that's needed is you.

Prayer: Father, I gird myself up in my my mind. I wrap myself in God's armor, and spiritually make every part intact. I declare that I will not be a casualty of the enemy, but will walk in Your love. I humble myself under Your mighty hand. My life is Yours, and I am so glad this fight is fixed. Thank You for Jesus and His way out. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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