Count It All Joy!!!

Wednesday April 27, 2011

Today's Passage: James 1:27-2:26
Memory Verse: James 1:2

Oprah, Dr. Phil, Montell, Maury.  The names in the previous list have become this nation's conscience.  If people want to know how to love, they ask Dr. Phil.  If they want to know how to be happy or successful, they ask Oprah.  If they need help with an abusive spouse, they ask Montell.  And if they want to know who their baby's daddy is (lol)......well, you get the point.

As for me, I'll take James.  You know, the Book of James in the Bible.  God's Word in this book contains life lessons that will never grow old.  It's amazing that something written so many years ago is still so relevant today.  Only God can do that.  Initially, James tells us to consider it a gift when tests and challenges come at us.  Why?  Well, because tests and challenges build faith, and when a faith-life is on display, one's true colors are shown.  God wants us to have faith.  He doesn't want us to try to get out of things prematurely.  He wants us to learn, develop strength, and grow.  Now that doesn't mean God has set you up for a lifetime of suffering.  It just means resistance builds strength.  If a body-builder wants bigger muscles, he works out with heavy weights.  Therefore, if you want stronger faith, allow the tests of life to come, then meet them head-on with the Word of God.  James also tells us not to worry.  I heard it said once that worry is the fear (or pride) of not being in control.  People have issue with not being in control, so worrying is their defense mechanism.  It's their way of "tricking their minds" into thinking they're handling the problem.  Foolish, isn't it?    If your dad owned all the water in the world, would you worry about dying of thirst?  If your dad owned all the farms in the country, would you worry about starving to death?  If the answer to those questions are no,  why would you worry then when your Father can do anything? 

In conclusion, God wants us to trust Him.  He'll never forsake us.  Therefore we can't make prosperity our goal in life.  James says prosperity withers like a flower in the sun.  It's literally here today and gone tomorrow.  It's bad enough to put all your eggs in one basket, it's even worse if that basket (like the world) has holes in it.  Oprah, Dr. Phil, Maury, Montell.  I tell you what....I'll still take James.

Prayer:  Father, You are the light on our pathway.  Only Your counsel is sure.  If we pay attention, we'll realize You've already given us the answers to all life's problems.  If we'll trust in You, we'll discover a whole new level of faith, the kind of faith that pleases You.  Let us begin today.  You are our source and our provider, and our lives are ever Yours, in Jesus' name. Amen 


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