Prayers That Prevail!

Sunday April 10, 2011

Father, giving You glory is our top priority.  So let Your kingdom come and Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.  As we praise You today, fill our hearts with Your Holy presence.  We are nothing without You.  Our desire today is pleasure.  We want to be a people that please You.  To do that, we must first trust You.  Our faith has to go to new levels.  Then, we must love.  Lord, cause us to be patient and kind.  We don't want to get puffed up, or be rude to each other.  We want to have compassion for Your creation.  And we want to love others like we love ourselves.

Father, let Your spirit change us.  Put to rest our selfish ways.  Do away with our rebellion.  Let us rest firmly in Your capable hands.   Heal us, redeem us, save us, and reign over us.  We are forever submitted to You, in Jesus' name. Amen.

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