A New Creation

Monday, April 25th, 2011

Today's Passage: 2 Corinthians 4:1-6:2
Memory Verse(s): 2 Cor. 5:16-17

I used to be known as many things, but I am not those things anymore.

Jesus took my very soul and drenched it in the blood that He shed for me. I gradually drowned in it, but when I was revived, He had allowed me to die to every evil thing that I once was. The Word of God says that it is shameful to even mention those things done in the dark, but my only purpose here is to release it and allow it to be put into the atmosphere as a witness to the life-changing power of God, where it has no more power over me.

I used to be a fornicator, having value only in my body, which I thought could only be used for one thing: to seduce men and have them pay attention to me. I became an adulteress, having had that iniquity passed on to me before I was even formed in my mother's womb. My whole outlook on my life was one of worthlessness, for why else would I have allowed myself to be subjected to such debasing acts? I had given in to the same spirit of deceit that has played the lie so many times, it sounded like the truth.

Until The Way, The Truth, and The Life walked in. Brick by brick, He removed the shame that was so much a part of my makeup that I didn't think I could let it go. He replaced the lies I had been told -- that I wasn't much to look at -- with the most beautiful words a woman could hear: " You ARE the most beautiful woman in the world.". He planted a young man in my life who feared Him, and whose destiny was entwined with mine to make a mighty impact on this world. The worth I found did not come from this young man, my husband and knight in holy armor-- but from God Who made me complete.

Almost twenty years later, as I have grown and matured in the love, wisdom and knowledge of the Father, it has been revealed to me that the new creature is emerging more and more. By no means am I the finished product I will be when I stand before Him in my glorified body. But most certainly, as I look at myself in His mirror, I see the image of Himself that motivates me to press toward the mark of looking just like Him. Those who knew me before will have to blink several times if they are looking for the labels by which I was once known. Those garments have all been stripped away, and the stench of sin is surely fading. In what ways have I become a brand new creature? In every way, inside and out. In what way can this take place for you? The moment you trust that God is the Deliverer, and give Him all of you.

Prayer: Father, never in my wildest dreams would I have ever dreamed my life could change the way it has. Thank You for giving me the new life I needed. Old things have passed away. I pray now for those reading this, and ask that the magnetic force that is Your love would embrace and draw them to You like they never have been before. May their hearts' desire be only to become what You intended for them as well. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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