Prayers that Prevail

Sunday, April 24th, 2011

Today's Passage: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Memory Verse: 1 Corinthians 13:8

Father, You did everything to prove to us that there was a more excellent way. Because of the cross, I can receive Your love-- the True Love that comes from Your heart. Gone is the shame of my youth, when I did unspeakable things and sinned against You. But Your love is so full of forgiveness and forgetfulness that it's as if I have never done anything wrong.

Armed with this new life You've given me, I make a decision to walk in the same love You extended to me. It's a love that suffers long, is kind, not envious, not prideful, and not selfish. This means I have to be accountable to the people with whom I have relationships-- my spouse, my kids, siblings, and other relatives. My ultimate goal is to meet the need in their lives rather than seek to have my own needs met.

I confess that in the area of showing love through the choices I make everyday, I have failed miserably. I have often been deceived into focusing on my feelings, my opinions, and my intentions rather than those of others. I say now with the boldness of the Truth that makes us free: my way of claiming to love has not worked. It has left me on the offensive, many times harboring the spirit of unforgiveness and bitterness.

Therefore, I declare that it will become my life's goal not to become easily upset, even when I feel I have been wronged. I choose to be patient rather than easily agitated. I agree with Your way-- the more excellent way --to conduct myself when interacting with others that I may not necessarily agree with. I choose to believe that You will give me the grace to think only good of others, and not evil. I will rejoice in the truth about Your children walking in victory, not allowing iniquity to win. Thank You for loving me completely by sacrificing Your Son. May I spend the rest of my days giving my life for You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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