Blood That's Thicker than Water

Thursday, April 28th, 2011

Today's Passage: 1John 3:11-4:21
Memory Verse(s): 1 John 4:20-21

Many times, I've heard the expression, "Blood is thicker than water".  Every time I heard it, I knew exactly what it meant.  It meant that the bonds we have with our family members should be stronger and mean more than those we have with people who are not related to us by blood.  In some ways it rings true, but in a different sense now that I know the truth.

On one hand, I've seen families that are extremely close.  They do everything together, and have relationships that last beyond any challenges that could possibly arise.  On the other hand, I've seen family members tear each other down and manifest nothing but hatred for each other, even though they shared the same genes.  Look at the example of Cain and Abel.  What is the difference?  It certainly couldn't be that some are born with this love, while others have to struggle to find it.

The difference, of course, is Jesus Christ.  No matter how close or distant we may feel towards our blood relatives, there is something about having the living blood of Jesus inside you.  It compels you to love like He loves, which in turn means you'll be willing to make the sacrifices necessary to communicate the love of God.  And because of that love, there will be no favoritism or partiality towards others -- whether they are family or not.

But if God's love doesn't live and dwell in us, what you'll see present among us is envy, malice, backbiting, hatred, covetousness, and-- you guessed it: murder.  We'll allow seeds of contempt to grow in our hearts towards our brothers, which in turn will become trees of unrighteousness that will ultimately lead us to commit murder -- spiritual or otherwise.  God is serious about us loving our brothers and sisters, being their keeper, and performing acts of love towards them.  It's this love that will convict us and prepare us for the Lord's coming.  Will you be ready?  Only those who have God's love will be.

Prayer: Father, You have specific plans for Your children where the plan of love is concerned.  Knowing this, I am determined to link up with Your sons and daughters, giving and receiving the love You have given us.  You remind us in Your Word that we can't claim to know You, yet show contempt for our brothers.  So I open my heart today.  Flood me with Your true love and get the glory out of what others will see.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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