The Simplicity of the Cross

Friday, April 22nd, 2011

Today's Passage: 1 Timothy 3:10-4:8
Memory Verse: 1 Tim. 3:16

I heard a news story today about two teenage girls who committed suicide. Speculation was that they had been bullied by other teens at their school, and they just couldn't handle it anymore. Like many other such stories, this one was written off as just another tragic event. Yet, those of us who know anything about what goes on in the spirit realm understand that it goes much deeper than that.

The enemy of the very souls of those young ladies seems to have won the battle where they are concerned. He managed to successfully blind them to the fact that there is a God Who loves them -- so much that He gave His only Son for us all. And there's the true tragedy. In almost every public school, students have access to so much technology, but These two never found out the love of God. Instead, all they received was the hate that only comes from satan.

Today's passage reminds us that life is too short, and that lives are hanging too far in the balance, for us as believers to focus on arguing with one another about doctrinal issues. The simplicity of the gospel of Jesus Christ is enough to convict, save, and deliver. The blood of Jesus was shed so that young people like the two I just mentioned would have a fighting chance to at least hear the good news and choose to reject it if they wanted to.

If you're reading this and you've not been given the opportunity to hear about Jesus, here it is: He came to earth to pay the penalty for our sin that we could not pay by ourselves. Every stripe He took was for every curse of sin to be broken. We are no longer victims but more than conquerors through Him. Ask Him today to be Lord, and every lie the enemy has told you will be stripped away. He loves you. You are not cast away or worthless. Accept His free gift today.

Prayer: Father, so many times we forget how precious Your Sacrifice was. It broke Your heart to see Him hanging and dying on that cross. Yet You went through it-- just for us. May we spend our remaining days on this earth spreading the news of the gospel of this kingdom to all who will believe. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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