Benefits of Leadership

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Today's Passage:1 Timothy 6:3-21
Memory Verse: 1 Timothy 6:12

I haven't been in ministry very long, but in the time I've had, I've learned one thing for sure: we need leadership....good leadership. Leadership is needed in every aspect of life. Households need leadership; corporations need leadership; even sports teams need leadership.

When I came to this ministry, one of the first things I was taught was submission to leadership. That lesson doesn't come easy for most. I remember the many teachings on the importance of submission and its place in the Kingdom of God. I didn't understand it all at first, but I just went with it anyway. In doing so, what I found out was it wasn't just a "do this do that" kind of thing. Oh, there were certain things I was responsible for, but I never felt used or run over. This was actually a walk of preparation. Preparation, you ask? Yes, preparation. One has to be prepared for leadership, by leadership. And what is the greatest attribute of a leader? It is the ability to FOLLOW.

Maybe I could've jumped out and started my own church or business back then. Gosh, so many loved ones were telling me I should have. Maybe you feel you missed your opportunity or calling in life and now it's all over. Not! First of all, Ive seen many jump out there and start businesses and ministries without leadership, and they regret it today. Furthermore, the people that suggested that they should, don't even go to church anymore. What HAS been consistent in my life is good leadership. Good leadership keeps you accountable. It keeps you from falling into pitfalls and traps. Good leaders can see what you can't. Paul, in today's text, provided good leadership for Timothy. If you're a part of a good ministry, you have good leadership. Lean on them. Let them direct you. There are things you'll go through in life. You can't avoid them. But I guarantee somewhere in your walk, your leader(s) gave you a word of truth that will prepare you for anything.

Prayer: Father, there's nothing I'd rather do than follow where You lead. You've placed leaders in my life who have done the same. As they walk where You're calling them to walk, may I, too, be of service to You in leading others to serve You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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