Which P's Will You PURSUE?

Saturday, March 12th, 2011

Today's Passage: Daniel 6
Memory Verse(s): Dan. 6: 26-27

It's a word that we should be well familiar with, especially since it has been around since the fall of man.  And yet, it seems to be the word we're the least comfortable with: PERSECUTION.  Because of who we are, and who Christ is in our lives, persecution is bound to occur towards us on some level.  Daniel's life is an example of not only what to expect, but also how to handle it.

First and foremost, we ought to know that because we fear and honor the God of the universe, His favor upon us is guaranteed to the point where we will receive PROMOTIONS that will require us to be in leadership positions in whatsoever situation we find ourselves.  Remember, Daniel and his friends were among the servants who had been taken as slaves of Babylon because of Israel's sin, but instead of throwing PITY PARTIES, he asks God to allow Him to walk in such excellence that he would stand out and make Him famous.

And that's exactly what happens.  Daniel ends up making a huge impact on the king of Babylon, who promotes him.  The result?  Of course, he draws unwanted attention from those who cannot stand him, and who could care even less about His God.  Here's something we're seeing happen even now, thousands of years later.  What lengths do people go to who resent having to acknowledge a God Who is righteous?  They resolve to seek out the largest loophole they can find that will allow them not to honor God if they can help it.  They PLOT and PLAN to get rid of the righteous by using their faith against them.

Here's where we can all learn from Daniel's example.  As soon as the PROCLAMATION has been made to change the PRECEPTS (laws) to PROSECUTE believers who choose not to compromise, Daniel begins to PRAY and PETITION God to intervene on behalf of His people.  Again, he has no time for seeking PITY, only PASSION to see God's will be done.  And that's where the difference is made.  Daniel gets God's attention and the rest, as they say, is PRESERVED in God's Word.  Which P's will you PURSUE?  I'll take PERSECUTION as long as I have the Lord's PRESENCE, PROTECTION, and PROVISION.

Prayer: Like Daniel, Father, I am aware that there are those who are PLOTTING to eliminate believers of the One True God.  May my PRAISE of You never cease, but may I continue to PROCLAIM that You are Sovereign over all for the rest of my days, no matter the PERSECUTION.  You remind me that even if I have to walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I must fear no evil, for You are with me.  You prepare a feast for me even while my enemies PLOT against me. Therefore, I choose to live a life of PRAYER and PRAISE.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.   

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