He's Got It All!

Monday March 21, 2011

Today's Passage: Matthew 6:5-7:29
Memory Verse: Matthew 6:25

Jesus is probably the most influential person ever to walk the earth. The things He did still influence our society in one way or the other. Likewise, what He said also has a profound effect on the way we live. What do you think made what Jesus said/did so influential? Relevance. He took being relevant to new levels. Noone in the history of mankind could do it the way He did.

I'm amazed by Jesus' ability to see beyond the generations. When He was on earth, there were no SUV's, cell phones, video games, shopping malls, internet connections, or Air Jordans. Yet, He was able to tell people truths that apply in a day when these things do exist. Can you imagine Jesus standing in the middle of the mall saying "You don't need these things. Live within the means in which the Father has given you. That's where peace lies. Stop worrying about what you're going eat or wear. If God feeds the birds, who doesn't have a 9 to 5, why wouldn't He feed you"? As mall security attempts to escort Him out of the mall (you know how it is), I can imagine Him saying "Storing treasures for everyone to see here on Earth will get you nowhere. All they bring is debt and more debt. You should keep treasures where they really matter. They really matter Heaven". I get the feeling Jesus wasn't into a lot of showmanship. Bling bling and being seen wasn't His thing. He even told us to pray privately. Why? I think it's because a loud voice and a gang of words means nothing if character doesn't go with it. Also, the body of Christ wasn't established to bring attention to itself, it was established to bring attention to the needs of the people it serves.

By the world's standard, these are very controversial messages. Nobody wants to talk about how they spend or save, yet 3 out of 5 people in the US struggle with debt. As for the church, tithing is taboo for some, but department stores receive their monthly contributions like clockwork. Ironically, some of the very things we extend ourselves for, God freely gives. What's funny is that was not even the point of His message. The point of Jesus' message was self- control. He also wanted us to have faith in God. So, take His message to heart. Learn to live within who and what you need, not under what you want. God is our provider and our source. We must remember that more is a quantitative term reserved for only Him, not material things. Live this way and you'll have a great life.

Prayer: Father You are my source and provider. Everything I need rests in Your hands. You got it all, God. So I look to You. Forgive me for being greedy and selfish. I realize I need to depend more on You. Validate me Lord. I no longer want validation from material things. I only want You, in Jesus' name. Amen

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