The God Who's FOR Us

Friday, March 25th, 2011

Today's Passage: Luke 9: 1-36
Memory Verse(s): Luke 9:16-17

Three words that stand out to me in today's passage are, "YOU feed them".  Why are they so important?  Because they are spoken by Jesus, Who is in the process of teaching His disciples something new about the kingdom.  After hanging out with the people all day, the disciples were ready to send them away.  But Jesus' response reveals something about His heart that all believers must adopt into theirs.

The first thing we can learn from this event is that Jesus CARES.  He's not just consumed with talking, demanding that people listen but having no idea that they have needs.  Not only is He concerned with the needs of people, but He passes this responsibility on to His disciples as well.  He expects us to be sensitive to the needs of people in much the same way.  We can't just put demands on them but ignore what concerns them-- physical as well as spiritual.

Next, Jesus shows us that we can use the resources that we already have to meet these needs. At ALM over the last few weeks, we've seen financial and physical resources come in as part of preparation for the storehouse the Lord has commanded us to open up.  All those who've brought their money and supplies get to participate in blessing others without experiencing the strain of having to do it alone.  In the passage, Jesus used one little boy's meal because He wanted to show us that any one person CAN make a difference, especially if we all do it together.

Finally, we need to understand that there will NEVER be lack when we're doing God's will.  Jesus multiplied what had been brought to Him, showing us that He is ready and able to bless what He's calling us to do for His broken.  Even those who make sacrifices to bring in those resources will have more than enough.  Like never before, more people at our ministry are walking in a place of increase in our homes -- just because we were willing to obey those three words, "YOU feed them".

Prayer: Father, Your Word is true.  When we give, You cause men to give back into our bosoms, pressed down, shaken together, and running over.  May we never be selfish again, only concerned with our own needs while others go without.  Thank You for showing us that nothing escapes You or goes beyond Your reach.  You truly are the God Who's FOR US.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.    

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