Prayers That Prevail

Sunday, March 27th, 2011

Today's Passage: John  chapter 9
Memory Verse(s): John 9:39

Father, Your Son Jesus made the statement that it was for judgement that He came into the world, in order for those who were blind to be made to see, and so that those who claimed to be blind would lose their sight.  When I read this, I realize that it all has to do with faith.

In this world, Satan has made it really easy for our human eyes to focus on and put stock in natural things.  But when it comes to supernatural things, we struggle to accept it.  Today, I rejoice because You gave us back all that when You sent Jesus to redeem us.  We were re-instated as spiritual beings FIRST.  

Because of that, I repent of walking in spiritual blindness to the things You've laid out for me to see-- not just because I chose not to see them, but because I tried to discredit whoever claimed that it came from You.  Just because I don't necessarily understand HOW You choose to do something doesn't make it any less a miracle.  Whether it was really You or not is between You and the men and women who claimed to have been sent and used by You.  My place is to continue to believe and worship YOU.

As I prepare to enter Your house, I ask You to put Your spiritual salve on my eyes as well as the eyes of all those who are going to be there.  By the power of Your Holy Spirit, help us to see You as You really are -- full of glory, mercy and grace towards us.  May we open our hearts to the signs and wonders that You are willing and able to perform among us in these last days.  And may every miracle-- large or small-- remind Your children that You are real, that You love us, and that You are coming again.  In Jesus' mighty Name, Amen!

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