H.U.M.P. Day!!!!!

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011

Today's Passage: Luke 10:25-37
Memory Verse(s): Matt. 25:40

In a day when religious rules were followed to the letter, Jesus teaches a lesson in response to the question, "Who REALLY is my neighbor?". We see three people who have the opportunity to show love and kindness to a total stranger: a priest, a Levite, and a Samaritan.  You know the story, and no doubt remember what each one did or failed to do concerning the man in need.  The part that really gets me is not so much that only the Samaritan responded; it's the fact that the other two who didn't, nevertheless felt justified in not caring.

Before we even think about getting up on our self-righteous high horses, how many times have we stopped to help someone in distress?  The priest in the parable was no doubt on his way to service; how many instances have we ever stopped to help someone on our way to church?  As for the Levite, maybe he was too bogged down with the demands of his ministry to notice the man in need.  What about us?  Those of us who consider ourselves to be a part of T.D. Nation are much concerned with making sure every 'i' is dotted and every 't' crossed so that our ministry is not without reproach.  But what about the heart of the matter?

As we go about making sure that we cover all bases, God will have us remember that PEOPLE come FIRST. No amount of rules ought to take precedence over God's broken.  As a matter of fact, He is so serious about us being His hands and feet that this is the only commandment about which He warns us of missing heaven if we miss the opportunity to touch and bless them.  

Our challenge today, then, is to find ways to touch our neighbors -- not just the one(s) that we like, but the ones whom we know are not deserving of our compassion.  God has given us so much undeserved love that He expects us to reciprocate just that much back to His children-- no matter what our opinion of them may be.  If you're like me, it'll be quite easy to find ones fitting the description.  Now all that's needed are the hearts to carry it out.

Prayer: Father, we have asked You to show us how we can be a living sacrifice to You. Please help us respond by giving us hearts like Yours filled with love -- just like Yours-- to carry out Your will.  Even if we perform outward acts of service without the key element --love-- it will still be unacceptable to You.  So please begin to give us hearts like Yours, for only through You can we begin to truly love.  Our ultimate goal and purpose is still to give glory to You.  In Jesus' Name, Amen. 

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