The Oracle (Word)!

Wednesday March 9, 2011

Today's Passage: Proverbs 16:1-18:24
Memory Verse: Psalms 25:5

Okay, I was watching TV the other day when they showed 'The Matrix'.  Remember that movie?  It basically brought computerized movie making and digital enhancement to new levels.  Anyway, you know how I like to find God in everything I see, right?  Well, His influence jumped out at me in several areas of this movie, and one of them is related to today's devotional.

Throughout the movie, Anderson (Keanu Reeves' character) was in search of what everyone was calling 'The Matrix'.  It was as though everyone he asked had a different answer.  However, when he really needed good information, he went to this lady called the 'Oracle'.  Listen, everybody's got an oracle in their family.  I hope and pray you had a chance in your lifetime to meet and spend time with yours.  For me, it was my Great Grandmother.  Big Mama, we called her.  Now before you laugh because your mind just went to the Martin Lawrence movie, know that this lady was so full of wisdom, it was incredible.  She couldn't have a conversation with you without laying a proverb on you.  She didn't always say it the way it was written in the Bible, but you knew it was in there somewhere.   For example, If someone were mad at another family member, "a soft answer turns away wrath", she'd say.  Anyway, God has a special way of getting His truths to your life.  He knows the more we walk in wisdom, the more it becomes a shield around us; keeping us out of the enemy's traps.

Flashing back to the movie, as Anderson searched for truth, the Oracle spoke parable after parable into him.  Most of them didn't make since at the time, but he held on to them.  Then, in the midst of his greatest adversity, the truths he held on to began to manifest in him.  He began to believe he was who she'd said he was.  Remind you of someone?  Sometimes it's not until you're faced with your greatest obstacle that you remember the truth: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".  Then you begin to believe you can do the impossible.  And in due season, you'd accomplish it. 

By definition, oracle means "divine information".  So, that means the oracle wasn't the "lady", it was the words she encouraged Anderson to live by.    It's important that we learn to live by the "Word".  We can't live by what we feel, or who we like.  Our direction has to be inspired by the word of God. And that, my friends,  is what takes you to new the Matrix!  

Prayer: Father, I am so grateful that You love me.  Lead me.  Let me walk in Your truth.  Living by my own means destroyed everything I touched.  But through You, everything is brought back to life again.  I'll be nourished by Your word everyday I live, in Jesus' name. Amen

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