A Special Moment...

Wednesday March 30, 2011

Today's Passage: Luke 22:1-46
Memory Verse: Luke 22:16

We meet so many people over a lifetime. Some we meet in passing, others we meet and they stick around for awhile. Then there are those that, in a moment, change our lives forever. Who comes to mind when you think about those who have changed your life for the better? What about them was the deciding factor?

Consider the Last Supper for a moment. It's ironic that what we call the Last Supper between teacher and students, is actually the "first communion" between God and man, but I digress. This moment was special. What made it special was the two-fold exchange that was about to take place. The first exchange was the relationship Jesus had with His discliples. It was literally about to go to another level (one level for another). All the questions about Jesus' purpose was about to be answered. See, some knew He was a King, but what was He a King of, and who was He a King over? Sometimes we misunderstand those we're getting to know for the first time. When that happens, we try to turn them into what they were never meant to be. We turn friends into lovers, spouses into saviors, and fools into teachers. Some wanted Jesus to be king. That's right, with the small k. You know, the crown wearing, loud talking, spoiled little pretty boy. But Jesus was King. His kingdom wasn't made by hands. And His authority wasn't bound by flags and land. The second exchange was the Holy Spirit taking Jesus' place. We have to constantly be open to changes in relationships. Jesus simply could not stay the way He was. No purpose has ever been established through religion and complacency. He had to show us the way to the Father. And being satisfied with old successes wouldn't have done it.

In conclusion, don't take people for granted. The people you meet today may be the ones who'll facilitate your next level tomorrow. Don't assume. Be honest and listen. Jesus spoke clearly about what His next few hours would be like, but they misunderstood Him because of their own ideas of who He was. Keep in mind that every man has a purpose. His purpose is to help point someone else toward their purpose. This is how Jesus wanted to be remembered. He wanted to remember the sacrifice, the selflessness, and the love. You know, He wanted to change lives for the better.

Prayer: Father I thank You for Your sacrifice. You gave Your Son so we can live. Help us to love with this in mind. Help us to have compassion for our neighbor. You changed our lives, and we love You for it....in Jesus' name. Amen

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