Yeeeaaa God!

Sunday October 10, 2010

Today's Passage: Psalms 33:1-3
Memory Verse: Psalms 33:1

"Good people, cheer God!  Right-living people sound best when praising". 
   Psalms 33:1

No words have ever been truer.  Because the spirit of the Lord lives in us, there's good in us.  We are God's people, so that makes us good people.  And because God is our hero, we should always seize the opportunity to cheer Him.  2, 4, 6, 8, who do we appreciate yeeeeaaaaa God!  Let's go Jesus, You're our Man, if You can't do it no one can!  Well, you get the point.  Let's cheer for God today.  Let's let Him know we can't win without Him.  

What do you think we sound like to God when we praise God?   Many of us claim to offer praise to God, but our lifestyles are not what they should be.  So it produces a strange sound in the throne room.   Nothing is more beautiful than love coming from a heart that's true.  Our praise is not about our situation, it's about our relationship with the Father.  We have to learn that praise is about who God is, not how we feel.  And  God's goodness has nothing to do with how we feel.  I believe if we really knew who He was, we would strive for right-living on a daily basis.   It should break our hearts when we disappoint Him.  When we fall, our firdt priority should be making it right with Him.  That way, our praise produces the sound it should produce.  So cheer for God with a pure heart today.  He's "worthy" to hear from you....

Prayer:  Father You are so awesome.  I stand in awe of you today.  Thank You for bringing victory into my life.  As I enter into You presence today, I will boldly declare Your goodness for all to hear.  You are so worthy of my praising You this way.  Gooooooooo God!  in Jesus name, Amen.

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