Only God's Way Works

Friday, October 15th, 2010

Today's Passage: Psalm 1
Memory Verse: Ps. 1:1

I get a huge kick out of the way criminals get caught on shows like CSI and Law and Order.  They start off with this cocky attitude, thinking they can get away with what they're about to do.  What they don't understand is that the very enemy who empowered them to do what they did will be the same one to expose them.  So the more comfortable they get in their skin, the more vulnerable they are, and the closer they get to being found out. 

I mean, have you seen some of those episodes where it seems as though the detectives have nothing to go on?  They have no evidence, no leads, and no witnesses.  Then, bit by bit, they start piecing clues together that lead them to the perpetrator -- a trail of bread crumbs that were there the whole time, just like what Hansel and Gretel used to lead them home in that story.  The amazing thing that always happens is that, no matter whether they are rich or poor, popular or nobodies, their lives end up the same way: in bondage.

What am I trying to say here?  I guess today's passage reminds me of how fruitless it is to follow the advice of the wicked (those who choose to do whatever they please regardless of God's ways).  If you have any devotion to the Father, people like those will be found everywhere around you.  But if you give in, you'll surely be exposed by the enemy.  He's just waiting for you to drop your guard and forget everything Our Daddy has taught you.  If you think I'm talking about real live people, think again; spokespeople for the enemy are on our computers, television, radio, and magazines.

You will hear advice to compromise -- compromise in your tithing and giving, keeping your commitment to your spouse, or simply fall into the trap of complacency.  To completely avoid this advice, find pleasure in the presence of the Lord.  Stay in His Word, knowing that it holds the key to life and lifelong fruitfulness.  Remember: everything the enemy is trying to tempt you with, already belongs to you.  What else can bring peace like knowing God is with you?  And genuine love is only found in the Father's arms.  Acceptance?  It only comes from walking away from sin and accepting God's grace.  The bottom line is this: only God's way works.

Prayer:  Father, I'm so glad I got a chance to really understand what it means to be partaker of Your promises.  I thank You for Your counsel, which is sure.  I choose to hear Your Voice and Your Voice alone, for Your paths are full of life and peace.  Speak loudly today, and I will obey.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.          

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