Why're You Eatin' That?

Tuesday, October 12th, 2010

Today's Passage: Psalm 103
Memory Verse: Isaiah 55:1-2

Our pastors ministered a word at ALM a couple of weeks ago that's still ringing in my spirit.  It exposed a medical condition that pretty much mirrors what happens in the spirit realm.  The condition is known as PICA.  It is defined by the Web MD website as a medical disorder characterized by an abnormal, prolonged craving for substances that have no nutritional value, and that could even cause death.

One basic reason for this condition in humans is usually the presence of a deficiency in minerals such as iron, which in turn results in the body's search for the missing mineral inside of those substances.  If these cravings persist, the body could develop a serious addiction to the desired items.  Some common examples of items people crave include clay, coal, soap, chalk, paper, soap, and uncooked foods.

When I read this for myself, I immediately saw how easy it is for individuals suffering from this disorder to forget or totally disregard the potential danger of the stuff they're craving to harm them.  In their minds, there is something lacking inside of them, and all they want is immediate relief from that craving.  So I asked the question: Is that what could be going on in the spirits of many believers? Is it possible that spiritually unhealthy cravings may be occurring in the lives of people who really love the Lord with all their hearts?

In this season of the Lord's provision of perfect order, restoration and provision of everything that was lost, we have not been left with a void in our spirits.  Did you hear what I said? THERE IS NO LACK in God.  So here's the question to ask yourself if you are in a place where you're being drawn to things not meant to bring you God's design of good: why're you eatin' that?  Why give in to the cravings of a deprived person when Your Father has provided the good of the land for you to partake of? Stop, turn around, and go back to the Father's arms.  There you'll find all you need to fill every part of you-- for as long as you live.

Prayer: Father, I repent for taking my eyes off Your promises long enough to think I knew what was good for me.  I turn away now, fall out of agreement with the devil's deceptive ways, and fill my mouth with the good things You've provided. I love you forever.  In Jesus'
Name, Amen.

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