Reverence, not Fear!

Sunday October 24, 2010

Today's Passage: Proverbs 14:26-27
Memory Verse: 2 Timothy 1:7

Okay I get it, the world has designated the month of October as 'the month of fear'.  I went into several stores yesterday and all I saw was decorations depicting ghosts, monsters, and other scary things.  People even have their homes adorned with make-shift graveyards in their yards and ghoulish pictures in the windows.

Why are we so enamored with fear and death?  I don't really know.  But since this is the month of fear, let's go with it shall we?  Fear, in this context, is defined as a distressing emotion caused by the feeling of impending danger.  Basically, fear is a defense mechanism that is used to warn the body that something's about to happen that is going to cause pain.  For instance, the moment before two cars collide causes fear.  The moment before a small child is injured causes fear.  And being confronted by someone who can potentially harm you causes fear.  As a society, we have been conditioned to embrace this emotion.  As a matter of fact, Satan has been so good at it, he's caused us to allow this emotion to guide us in our daily lives.  So, now we fear everything.  We fear other cultures.  We fear trying (failing).  We fear commitment.  We fear the unknown, and a lot of other things that do not put us in impending danger.  There is even a complete list of "phobias" (irrational fears) online.  You can google them if you'd like.  In contrast, the Bible says, in 2 Timothy 1:7, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind".  Which means we shouldn't fear anything to the point we cannot live fulfilled lives that produce after the Kingdom of God.  In all actuality, the one person we should always fear is: God.  I know I know.  I just spent the last minute telling you NOT to fear.  But the definition of this fear is a reverential awe.  This fear doesn't make you cower and hide, it makes you bow and worship.  It's like finding the most beautiful and valuable item in the known world.  Although you found it, you dare not touch it for fear of abusing or  ruining it.  That's kinda how God is.  He says we can come before Him boldly because He's a loving Father.  But we still have to reverence Him because He's King.  Having a healthy fear of God leads us to worship and reverence.  Proverbs 14:26-27 says "The fear of God builds up confidence, and makes the world safe for your children.  The fear of God is a spring of living water so you won't go aff drinking from poison wells".  Isn't that true?  If our nation had a fear of God, would its leaders make some of the decisions they make?  And if they made decisions based on that "fear", wouldn't the world be safer for our children?  All of us could have eliminated a few bad choices from our lives had we had a healthy fear of God before making them. 

Well, as you attend your church services today, remember to give reverence to our God.  He's worthy of it.  He hasn't given you a spirit of fear, but He did give you a heart of worship.  So use it today.  He's waiting!

Prayer:  Father, You are mighty and powerful.  The same gentle hand You used to love and shield me, You use to destroy my enemies in front of me.  My fear of You doesn't keep me away, it draws me to Your soveriegnty.  And it keeps me from taking You for granted.  Thank You for Your love and care.  I am forever Yours, in Jesus' name. Amen.      

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