Everything Means Everything!

Wednesday October 27, 2010

Today's Passage: Psalms 23:4-5
Memory Verse: Job 22:21

"Everything must go!"Everything's on sale!Everything! Everything! Everything! The world we live in loves to throw around promises it can't keep, especially when it wants to sell you something. Think about it. Can a store or relationship really offer you everything?

I love the definition of everything. Our dictionary defines it as ALL. So that takes us back to our question. How can someone or something offer you everything? Don't you have to be the possesser of all to offer all as a possession? The Bible says in Job 22:21 to "Give in to God, come to terms with Him and EVERYTHING will turn out just fine" When God uses the word "everything", I'm sure He means it. Why would He save your life, but leave your marriage in shambles? Why would He restore your marriage, but leave your children out there alone? Point is, God is ready to bring everything in your life to a new level. Listen, when man says everything, what he really means is everything you can see.  He's actually holding the cards on what you can't see.  That part usually belongs to him, or someone else.  But when God says everything, He means EVERYTHING.  All aspects of your life have an appointment for blessing.  He will not leave anything out.  It gives Him glory to see every part of your life in divine order.  "For God's Word is solid to the core; everything He makes is sound inside and out.  He loves it when everything fits, when His world is in plumb-line true.  Earth is drenched in God's affectionate satisfaction" (Psalm 33:4-5). 

Get ready People of God!  God's rain is about to fall.  And when His rain falls, EVERYTHING gets drenched.  Your whole life and everything in it is subject to change.  Prepare yourself.  Put out your buckets and pots.  Plant your seed while you still have time.  It won't be much longer now!!!

Prayer: Thank you God for Your rain.  It seems this drought has lasted forever.  But You have us in Your loving hands.  Rain on us.  Rain on us.  Rain on us.  We're ready!  Saturate us in Your love, favor, healing, and grace.  We give You all our praise....in Jesus' name. Amen.    

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