Any Given Sunday!

Sunday October 17, 2010

Today's Passage: Matthew 4:4
Memory Verse: James 1:18

Hello All!  Today is Sunday.  It's the day we all fill our houses of worship in order to gain more truth in our lives.  Honestly, we should really call it 'Truthday'.  The fact is, we ideally go to church to obtain spiritual growth.  And spiritual growth is the process of replacing lies with truth.  The Spirit of God uses the Word of God to make us more like the Son of God.  In order to become like the Son of God, we have to fill our lives with His Word. 

Jesus said (Matthew 4:4 NLT), "People need more than bread for their life; they must feed on every word of God".  Without the Word of God, there can be no transformation from lies to truth.  Ever wonder why even after people get saved they still struggle with being converted?  It's because they failed to fill their lives with the Word of the Lord.  Therefore, they never discover how much influence and power it has.  It literally changes the way we talk, where we go, who we hang out with, and other things.  That's how the truth of it dispels all the lies we're accustomed to.  You see, getting saved is like moving to another country.  In the new country, your old language is useless, the customs aren't the same either, and the government is altogether different. 

God's Word is unlike any other word.  Without it, the very concept of life would not be possible.  James 1:18 (Mess.) says "He brought us to life using the true Word, showing us off as the crown of all His creatures".  Life as we know it receieves its foundation from God's truths.  It's so important because it keeps us from falling for the devil's tricks.  If you're full of truth, you'll never be in a position where you have to second guess yourself either.  Think about this: there are so many experts out there in this new season of time.  And nowadays, everyone seems to be running to these so-called 'self-help' gurus.  They claim to offer the 'truth' about life's issues, but without God's Word, how much truth are they really offering?  The point is, you have a therapist, life coach, mental-wellness counselor, and marriage and family facilitator, in your church every Sunday.  We call them "Pastors".  They spend their entire week preparing to give us the truth (God's Word).  It's up to us to take those truths and apply them to our daily lives.  Aren't you tired of living the lie the devil's been speaking over you?  Isn't it time to be honest with yourself about who you are and where you're headed?  If the answers to those questions are yes, then pursue truth with your whole heart.  It's not hard to find. You can find it in church on any given Sunday.

Prayer:  Father, as I prepare to go to Your house, I thank You for making provision for me to receive everything I need for my life today.  Thank You for the exchange of all my hangups for Your wholeness.  I'm excited to know that I won't leave the way I went in.  Consecrate me as I get ready to join my brothers and sisters in giving You total praise.  May they too be filled with all that is of You.  In Jesus' Name. 

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