When God Says No

Monday, October 18th, 2010

Today's Passage: Jeremiah 29:11-13
Memory Verse: Jer. 29:11

The year was 2004.  I remember it well as if it were yesterday.  I remember it so well because it was the time I had waited for all my life.  It was the year I was going to launch my dream: the recording of what I thought would be the first of many CD's.  What made it even more special was the way God seemed to open doors to make this happen.  

Over the space of what seemed to be weeks, He gave me songs that were written by my husband, his brother, and myself that were so anointed that I just knew it was within God's will for them to be heard wherever He chose.  He sent me people who were willing to help with the organizing and planning of this event while I concentrated on rehearsing.  When the moment finally came, I was filled with amazement that my Father was getting ready to show Himself strong in my life.  It was, after all, for His glory, wasn't it?

But after the worship experience had come and gone, and all the anointed songs had been sung, the guy who had done the recording and was mixing it down to be duplicated just couldn't get it done.  For six months, he worked at it to no avail.  In the end, what it boiled down to was that he couldn't make the CD sound professional enough to be duplicated. So it seemed as though all that work was in vain.  Although God had allowed me to write songs and minister to people that night, He said no to all the other things I wanted concerning making a CD.  When all the dust settled, I went back to a question one of my dear friends asked me at the beginning of this quest: ARE YOU READY?  Was I really ready to leave my family and go on the road to promote a CD?  Was this the lifestyle God had chosen for me?  Sure, it had worked for Yolanda Adams, but was it what God was calling ME to?

You may have a desire to accomplish something great for the Lord.  Yes, He created you and put those dreams there.  But time spent in prayer-- to listen as well as to speak -- will teach you that sometimes God says no because we're really not ready for what we think we want with all our hearts.  And because our Father is so faithful to see where we can't, we must be content to wait for His plan.  Because there's always one when God says no.

Prayer: Father, I'm learning more and more everyday that You have my best interests at heart.  You know me better than I know myself.  You created me and know what path in my life will accomplish Your will or not.  Give me Your grace today to see what it is You have in store, being content to serve You however You desire.  My life is Yours always.  In Jesus' Name, Amen. 

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