Why We Need the Rain

Saturday, October 29th, 2010

Today's Passage: Deuteronomy 11:8-18
Memory Verse: Isaiah 1:18

The question was asked a couple of days ago, "Why do you need the rain?". What I understood that question to ask was, why is the rain necessary?  Each of us on the praise team was given an opportunity to answer.  Some said the rain refreshes and revives us because we give out so much to others.  Others gave their reason for wanting the rain as flooding and drenching all the dry places around us.  Still another reason was that the rain is needed so that all the prayers we thought were forgotten could come to pass.  Then some things happened in my life to give me a personal reason for needing the rain.

I realized that, in the vast wisdom and mercy of our God, He sees and knows of the secret
places in our lives we try to keep hidden from His light.  Whether due to shame from our past, or from decisions we've made from one day to the next that do not line up with His word, we can accumulate some heavy condemnation that ends up paralyzing us and rendering us ineffective in fulfilling our purpose in The kingdom.

And so, because our Father's desire is to free us from these chains, He wants to send us a drenching downpour of rain to do all those things.  But most important of all, the rain comes to wash away every stain of our sin and shame.  It's coming to flood our hearts,  removing every sign of the enemy's lies to us about ourselves and our destiny.  When the rain comes, it will restore the years the locusts ate-- precious time stolen from our marriages, relationships with our children and other loved ones, and strengthen the bond between believers in the body.

If you happen to be in a place where you're experiencing any of that condemnation, or even a spirit of despair that what the Lord promised is too far away, allow me to come into agreement with you that it's time for the rain.  It will be a rain that's bringing healing for the broken, second chances to those who think they've messed it up for the last time, and restoration of the purpose destroyed by the enemy's lies.  With everything you have within you, reach for and expect the Lord's promise of the rain, and watch Him change every single aspect of our lives.

Prayer: Father, You are the Deliverer Who comes to rescue us when we've dug holes too deep to get ourselves out of.  You have made provision of another chance that we don't deserve, but that Your Son's blood has purchased.  Send now Your rain and let it wash away every stain, preparing us for the new victory and purpose.  We praise You once again that You will not go back on Your Word.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.      

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