Our Father's "Instead"

Friday, October 22, 2010

Today's Passage: Isaiah 55:8-11
Memory Verse: Is. 55: 8-9

So, I was telling you guys the other day about my personal experience with God's "No" to my prayer for a CD.  But what I didn't get a chance to share with you was the  "Instead" my Father has been preparing for me and my husband since then.  That plan God has for us is so big that it requires Him to say "No" to the things that would take us completely out of His will.  

We had already been worship leaders at ALM for about 4 years when I stepped out on this venture.  I was excited about the recording, but when that night came and went, I found within me a spirit of unrest.  Quite a few questions surfaced when we learned of the problems with the CD.  Out of those problems came God's response.  You see, I had begun to wonder why it seems as if people in the world who didn't even acknowledge God were successful, while believers tried to make ends meet.  He led me to Psalm 34, and began speaking to me about the benefits of being a believer.  

By the time He was done talking, the Lord had given me the makings of a book entitled "The Benefits of Righteousness", which was a huge encouragement to me in that season.  Then, around that same time, the Lord spoke to Chris and me about something that would totally change the way we saw ourselves in ministry.  Through Bishop Ray, who was then still senior pastor, God showed us that there is no personal destiny without corporate destiny.  From that moment to this, we've been working not to get where WE want to be, but to push our pastors where God wants Them to be, knowing that our destiny is connected to the fulfillment of theirs.

All I know is that, since then, our lives have been much more fulfilled, more God-centered and kingdom- minded than before.  How's that better than what I asked God for? You may be wondering.  It is because I'm spending more of my time thinking about what He wants instead of what I didn't get. And that is the life of self-sacrifice that He honors and rewards.

Prayer: Father, thank You for not giving in to my every whim. You know what's best for me, and so I thank You for teaching me to trust Your hand. I also look forward to the "Instead" that You have in store. May every inch of my life bring You glory. In Jesus' Name, Amen.   

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