He's Looking For You!!!

 Saturday October 9, 2010

Today's Passage: Isaiah 43:3-4
Memory Verse: Isaiah 43:4

Can you imagine?  Once again I'm on my way to work and I'm ready to walk out the door, and it occurs to me....."I don't have my keys".  I look on the table but they aren't there.  I look on my nightstand and again, they aren't there.  While the clock won't stop or slow down for me, I'm naturally starting to panic.

When we lose things that are important to us, there's a void that can't be replaced.  Because the items are such big parts of our lives, we search desperately for them; not ever tiring or giving up.  What have you lost that's caused a void in your life?  Let's be careful.  I'm not talking about loved ones.  I know how hard it is to lose a loved one.  That kind of heaviness can only be lifted by the Holy Spirit.  Let's stick to the losses that simply aggravate us.   If you need to get somewhere and you can't find your keys (like me), it's ripple effect can be felt throughout your day. 

Now imagine you're God (just for kicks folks, don't hurt me), and you need to get somewhere today and the thing you need to use to get there is not in place.  You look high and low but they're nowhere to be found.  They know you need them, but they're still not where you put them.  See my friends, allowing yourself to be out of position not only effects you, but the ripple effect can be felt throughout the heavens.  But just like my keys, God would do anything to get you back.   I tore up my house, my bedroom, and everywhere else I could think of, searching for those keys.  For the few moments they were lost, they were my priority.  I'd do anything to get them back.   How does God feel about it?  Let's take a look.  Isaiah 43:3-4 says "Because I am God, your personal God (I love that), the Holy of Israel, your Savior.  I paid a huge price for you: all of Egypt, with rich Cush and Seba thrown in.  That's how much you mean to Me!  That's how much I love you!  I'd sell off the whole world to get you back, trade the creation just for you".  God can't stand losing us.  One reason is because He loves us dearly, the other is when we're out of His reach, we can't fulfill the call to advance the kingdom.  And no one is too small or insignificant.  We are all important to the Father.  Imagine this, we drive 15, 20, even 30 thousand dollar automobiles that won't move without a $5 set of keys.  So if you think you're too small to advance the kingdom, think again.  You may not be the big shiny car, but you could definitely be the keys that make it go.

Speaking of keys, I eventually found mine underneath the sofa cushion.    Although they weren't far away from me, because they were out of my range of access, there was a breakdown in progress.  Stop hiding from God my friends.  Now you might say "But I don't hide.  I go to church every week".  That's good.  But what about your gifts?  What about the keys inside you that makes the car (ministry) go?  For example, if you love kids, how about helping in children's ministry, or singing, or playing an instrument for praise and worship?  What about helping to tidy up the sanctuary after a service?   C'mon, you can do it.  Get out from under that sofa cushion (fear, comfort, the unknown).  God's looking for you!

Prayer:  Father I thank You for the opportunity to receive You word.  I hear You loud and clear.  Holy Spirit, show me where my gifting is needed in the kingdom.  I want to make myself available to God.  I want to be used by Him.  show me how to deny my self.  Teach me to overcome my fears so I can be ready for God's call, in Jesus' name. Amen

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