The Real Horror Story

Monday, October 25th, 2010

Today's Passage: Matthew9:35-38
Memory Verse: Matt. 9:36-37

As I ride around our city, it's not difficult to see how seriously some take the celebration of Halloween.  They go all out with ghoulish decorations, setting the atmosphere for a "scare" on the 31st when families take their children trick-or-treating.  Most people even indulge in a scary movie or two during this season.  After all, that's pretty much all that's available to watch on tv anyway, we tell ourselves.  But the Lord reminded me that there's really no need to look for scary things to think about.

So here's some really scary stories for you.  All we need do is look at the walking dead around us.  We live around them, work with them, and have many of them in our families.  We know the answer that will bring them life--actually, we have that answer within us.  And yet, we continue to go past them day after day.  We even watch them try to function without the loving guidance of a Sovereign God, and we find ourselves talking about them, but mostly judging them.  Often we forget that we are being held accountable for those lives before the Father on the day of judgment.

What about the real-life gremlins we allow to wreak havoc in our lives?  I'm talking about demonic forces that are given the authority to plant thoughts in the minds and hearts of believers like me and you who truly claim to love our God.  Those are thoughts of worthlessness, doubt and unbelief, and strife-- high things that make strong effort to exalt themselves against the knowledge of God.  They take away precious minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, even years from our purpose of representing our Father and His kingdom to those who are lost.

I'm not really trying to paralyze you with fear, as is the true purpose of those horror movies.  But there is a sense of urgency coming from Heaven for us to turn our focus and our hearts to the things of God.  Jesus is on His way back for a bride without spot or wrinkle.  But are we really preparing for His coming?  Are we investing the time required to prepare others to be ready?   I don't know about you, but that's enough to snap me back into reality-- the reality of seeking first God's kingdom rather than the distractions that consume our time.  That's the beginning of the real horror story.

Prayer: Father, I'm taking the mask off to admit today that in can really be self-centered and easily distracted.  I really don't know how You do it, but You gently bring me back to a place where I can see and hear things from Your perspective once again.  Cause me to look at the fields of souls that are ripe for Your harvest.  Let that be my heart's priority.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.    

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