Jesus, the Lion!

Saturday, October 2nd, 2010

Today's Passage: Revelation 5:1-5
Memory Verse: Revelation 5:5

I was watching a movie the other day on TV.  It seemed to me like all the characters of the movie had animal nicknames that were based on their characteristics or personality.  For instance, one guy was named 'Joey the Rat'.  This guy had a squeaky voice, ate anything, and wasn't very clean.  Another guy was named 'The Bull', and another 'The Tiger'.   Yeah I know, sounds like your classic mob flick.  And it probably was, but it still got me thinking.

When I think about men who were truly "tough guys", my mind can't help but go to the Bible.  You had to be really tough to last in those days.  Guys back then didn't complain of headaches and hard times while doing the work of the Lord.  As a matter of fact, these so-called tough guys or gangsters couldn't walk a second in Jesus' shoes.  Okay, let's get back to the names.  Let's start with 'Moses the Ant'.  Ant, you say?  Yes, ant.  A sargeant ant can lead up to 10,000 ants miles across the jungle floor; all at the instructions of his queen.  Moses led half a million children of Israel across the desert; all at the instructions of his King.  Ants are resilient, they are determined, and they can carry haevy objects for long distances.  Yes, Moses the Ant.  He was a true tough guy. 

Here's another one: David the Cat.  He's small, cute, homely looking.  But when threatened, he becomes this ferocious beast that can take down any predator that tries to bring harm to him.  This little dude can handle himself.  Just ask Goliath and the Philistines.  Last but not least, 'Jesus the Lion'.  Who else can be so beautiful and intimidating at the same time?  Have you ever seen a lion in real life?  When you do, part of you wants to lay under his awesome mane; knowing that no other beast in the world would dare try to harm you.  The other part of you is shaken with fear because you know if it weren't for the barricade, that thing could tear you apart whenever it chose to.   Jesus, for those who really know him, is kinda like that.  When we are in His presence, we are compelled to run to Him, knowing that no demon from Hell would ever try to harm us.  But we also have to approach Him with "respectable caution".  He's not some fairy tale character that won't show up to a fight.  And He does possess the power to tear some stuff up, if you know what I mean.

Well, thank you for humoring me, Td Nation.  I try to keep the reading light on Saturdays.  I still have that little kid in me that believes Saturdays are for heroes.  It's just that Jesus is my hero now.  I sleep well at night knowing that He's already saved the day.

Prayer:  Father, I thank you for Your saving grace.  You are as powerful as You are beautiful.  I appreciate how You love and care for me.  I realize just because You are a God of love, it doesn't mean You're not a God of strength.  I am confident that You always know what's best for me.  so I leave my life in Your Jesus' name. Amen

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