No Substitute for Prayer

Monday, October 11th, 2010

Today's Passage: Proverbs 3: 1-12 
Memory Verse: Jeremiah 29:12 

I've always wondered how awesome it is for me to be able to talk and listen to older ladies without either of us feeling as if the other person were on a different wavelength.  Lately I've come to understand that this exchange happens as a result of their willingness to share the treasures of their hearts with me, and because I've recognized what's in their hearts as something valuable and worth receiving.  Well, prayer is a whole lot like that.

The more time we spend with the Father, the more we recognize how many riches are in His heart towards us.  He is more than willing to share so that we can become rich ourselves, but it depends on how ready we are to receive.  The "E" in prayer is for the eternal exchange we have as we enter into conversation with God.  At the risk of sounding corny, there may be some people who don't know that you can talk to our Daddy anytime, anywhere.  After all, He IS everywhere, isn't He? It makes sense, then, that we would want to include Him in everything we say and do.

Well, God's invitation to us is to call on Him, and He will answer.  But not only that, he will show us great things we didn't know before.  So what makes the difference?  It's the WISDOM He speaks to us.  In this continuous exchange between Father and child, as He gives us counsel and correction, we can receive long life, well-being, favor and good understanding in the sight of God and man.  He also gives us straight paths for our feet, provision, grace, and no fear even when the temptation to do it our way arises.

Today, when you plan your time of fellowship with God, remember all the benefits we all receive from spending time talking to as well listening to Him.  Oh-- don't forget to "rejoice" when you experience the victory of not giving in to the enemy's lies.  As a result of prayer, your praise and worship will increase as your faith in what He continues to do for us also increases.  There is absolutely no substitute for PRAYER.

Prayer: Father, I can't begin to tell You how grateful I am that You love me, and that You desire to speak with me.  I make a conscious decision to spend more time listening to what You have to say, and responding with my tooth devotion.  I love You forever.  In Jesus' Name, amen. 


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